Saturday, August 31, 2019
Islam and Arabic Language Essay
In 571, Mohammad the Prophet took his first order from the God, which is â€Å"read†. Then after many orders, Kor’an the holy book was completed. After the completion of Kor’an, it has been single and certain guide for all the muslims. Yet, if a person want to read and understand that book, that person has to know Arabic Language. The problem is why is Arabic main language of Islam and Koran even though the islam is universal? Before the Islam, arabic was just one of the Language that was spoken in only certain regions in Arabia. But after the Islam whole Arabia had started to talk in arabic because arabia is the region which is starting point of Islam. It was natural but after spreading other parts of the World, The arabic had became main language of some regions which was unnatural. In christianity, for example, for many centuries, Latin was the language of Bible but it could not influence people that made people’s who live in Europe lanugage change. Because unlikely to Islam, people can prey and worship in other language. These restrictions in Islam influence people’s language because worshipping and preying take a lot time and they have to be done everyday. In addition to that Kor’an has to be read in Arabic. Due to these reasons from tunus to Iraq arabic is the main language even though it is not their ancient language. Due to many reason arabic language has spread but some countries such as Iran and India has preserved their language altough they are muslims. The answer lies under their culture. Changing religion just not change belief of community, it also changes culture of community. Thus Iran and India which posses strong culture and language whose roots are older than 3000 years old. It is impossible to change cultures that old. After the Islam, India has become a Great Britain Empires Colony and Iran was ruled by Seljuks yet the results were same these cultures could preserve itself. In a nutshell, spread of arabic language inevitable because of spread of Islam whose main language is arabic but also this influence cannot approach to certain nations due to their strong cultures. Yet it is still unclear that why is the universal religion islam’s main language is arabic? It is still being claimed that Kor’an has not been changed but this reason makes people think that maybe it has been changed because of this reasons.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Biggest Problem Facing Our Generation
The biggest problem facing our generation is fixing the mistakes that our fearless leaders have made. George W. Bush had made many mistakes while in office from 2001 to 2009. One of the most controversial issues that he had completed related to the signing of a report endorsing outsourcing with thousands of American workers having their jobs shipped overseas. He may have had good intentions, but all that was lost after the signing of this bill that took 2. 6 million jobs away from the people of the United States.Due to this decision, numerous companies were shipped overseas since the labor costs are lower and emission standards don’t exist. Another notorious decision relates to the invasion of Iraq. After September 11, 2001, Bush became convinced that Saddam Hussein was seeking nuclear weapons and represented a mortal threat to the west. However, he chose to ignore conflicting evidence and undermined not only his presidency, but the reputation of US intelligence agencies and h is country.Another mistake that occurred just weeks prior to the 9/11 attacks notified the people of his loss of dedication to the country. Bush received a memorandum, called the pre-9/11 memo, from the CIA entitled,†Bin Laden Determined to Strike in US. †Although, he did not respond to the threat since he was on a family vacation, which will forever blight his legacy. The results of these mistakes are still dwelling over the United States. Yet, our generation is only able to learn from the mistakes and ensure that they are not repeated.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
The Professor And The Madman
The Professor and the Madman, written by Simon Winchester, is a biography about the making of the Oxford English Dictionary. Winchester, who is an author, journalist, broadcaster and foreign correspondent, has written for many magazines and newspapers distributed worldwide. In an interview between Winchester and a host of C-SPAN, Winchester was asked where the idea for the book came, he replies Well, it came to me in a rather bizarre way. I was reading a book on lexicography in the bath one morning, as one does, I suppose, just before breakfast, and it was a book–a wonderful book called â€Å"Chasing The Sun†by a man called Jonathan Green. And it had a reference–it said, `Readers will be familiar with the extraordinary story of Dr. W. C. Minor, an American lunatic murderer, who was a prodigiously energetic contributor to the OED. ’ And I remember sitting up in the bath, Archimedeslike, dripping and saying, `Well, I know nothing about this. ’ Winchesters main foundation for this book is to clarify the tale of the making of the Oxford English Dictionary The formation of the Oxford English Dictionary began in 1857 and took seventy years to finish. Tens of thousands of individuals organized the expansive language into 414,825 exact definitions. The story begins with the grisly murder of George Merrett, by William Chester Minor the former U. S. Army officer and qualified surgeon. On February 17th of 1872 in the early morning William Minor had been sleeping, when he awoke to some noises of someone in his flat. He sat up and saw someone standing at the foot of his bed. He proceeded to chase the individual into the street, and shot at the person as they attempted to flee. He ended up shooting the first person that came into view apparently, and this person was George Merrett. Merrett had never met W. C Minor and had been heading home after a long day at work. W. C Minor was arrested. While in prison, he appeared to act exceptionally strange. One of the guards told the jury that Minor accused him of paying people to enter his room and molest him while he slept. This evidence clearly showed that W. C Minor was insane and was sent to the Asylum for the Criminally Insane, Broadmoore. The judge stated that he would remain there until her Majestys Pleasure be known. Professor James Murray, an extraordinarily educated former schoolmaster and bank clerk, sent out an announcement about the making of the Oxford English Dictionary, asking for literary contributions. From his cell in Broadmoore, Minor came across this announcement and began contributing examples from his massive collection of new and scarce antique books. Minor had an enormous collection of books in his cell, which were not available to Murray and the staff, where the dictionary was being created. Thousand of neat and well-written quotes and examples came from Minor over several years to Oxford. Murray was only fifty miles away from where Minor was living, and had no idea that Minor was committed to an asylum. On several occasions Minor had been asked to visit Murray In Oxford, where they could meet and discuss the dictionary. Minor declined all invitations, without an explanation, and only an apology. After being rebuffed several times, Murray offered to visit Minor and Minor accepted the offer. Upon arrival Murray discovered that Minor was not a doctor of the asylum as he had assumed, but a resident. Murray was shocked, but that didnt dissuade him from visiting Minor. Although Minor constantly complained about people molesting him while he slept, people breaking into his room at night, and his personal possessions being vandalized Murray ignored the strange comments and went on with his visits. Minors stepbrother began writing appeals to the court, asking that his brother be allowed to transfer to a hospital in the United States. James Murray, who spent more than 40 years editing the dictionary, and up until 1910 wrote and visited Minor regularly, until Minor was released and allowed to go back to the U. S. On July 16th 1915 Murray died, surrounded by friends and relatives. In November 1915 Minor wrote to Lady Murray, offering all his books to the Scriptorium. On Friday March 26th 1920 Minor died from a cold that developed into bronchopneumonia. The English Oxford Dictionary took eight more years to be completed. On New Years Eve of 1927 its completion was announced. The Professor and the madman is a wonderfully written biography. Before each chapter was a word that defined the whole chapter. Most of the book was in chronological order, except for the parts where the author backtracked in order to elaborate. The postscript and authors note gave a bit of insight on where he got his idea to write the book, and some of his resources. Unlike The Bluest Eye written by Toni Morrison, the diction was easy to follow, and storyline was far from depressing. Winchester was very straightforward, and turned a little known tale into a well-written and very compelling book. I had my doubts about this particular book. I got this book, when the report was first assigned. I attempted to read, but found the first chapter dreadfully boring, and returned the book to the bookstore. I forgot about the report until I was reminded a week ago. I went to go and find a different book, but had no luck, so I bought the book again. I am glad that I did end up with this book. I enjoyed The Professor and the Madman immensely. I have no recollection of ever hearing about the authors of the Oxford English Dictionary.
Family Medical Leave Act Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Family Medical Leave Act - Essay Example Abuse of Family Medical Leave Act has in turn resulted to morale problems in work places particularly among employees who are called to pick up the tasks of the absent employees. Negative effects of Family Medical Leave Act on employers Workplaces are significant places to study how institutions shape the way Family Medical Leave Act operates in practice (Galinski et al, 2005). Family Medical Leave Act is cited as an external factor that affects employee availability in any organization. Though the Family Medical Leave Act’s aim is upbeat and constructive for most occasions, many organizations’ management trust that it presents an employee with a chance to stay out of their places of work if they have low interest in the job (Burtless, 1995). According to a research done on 36 organizations, it was apparent that Family Medical Leave Act affects employee availability. Ten of the organizations expressed extreme concern with the Family Medical Leave Act impacts, terming th e act a nightmare (Galinsky et al. 2005). Needless to say, this act does not permit managers to punish the employees through relegations or corrective actions. Organizations account that the players have leant how to play the game well. Most of the organizations have claimed that employee unions coach their members to file under Family Medical Leave Act when taking leave to shun nonattendances that may amount to termination of employment or demotion (Burtless, 1995). Most organizations have no dilemma with the act’s stipulations for workers to be given leave to attend to ill relative or a new born child, or to recuperate from a verifiably somber health condition. The primary point of disputation is with the Family Medical Leave Act stipulation that allows workers to be granted irregular leave due to severe illness. The aggravation comes from attempting to apprehend the delineation of severe health condition. Burtless (1995) denotes that it is challenging to verify the effects of particular illnesses such as headaches, gout, aggravation and soft tissue injuries. For this reason, most of the doctors do not decline signing the Family Medical Leave paper for fear of being sued by the worker. In reference to the United States Labor Department, a severe illness refers to a health condition or injury that involves inpatient medical attention or ongoing medical treatment (Irwin & Ralph, 1993). Most of the employers find it challenging in determining a qualifying serious health problem for the worker or worker’s next of kin. Some of the illnesses are difficult to track, and employers must resolve whether to award Family Medical Leave Act’s benefits to workers who report the inception of signs. Though, in some occasions employees abuse Family Medical Leave Act’s benefits, the employer may face federal investigations for failing to grant the worker leave (Armour, 2005). Research has shown that Family Medical Leave Act affects business performa nce and productivity (Burtless, 1995). Most of the employees take leave and thus lead to low labor input that in turn leads to declined productivity. Employers find it challenging in tracking worker’s leave period while getting Family Medical Leave Act’s benefits. Arguably, if the worker takes scheduled leave under the act, there is no minimum leave period needed, thus making it challenging to follow
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Assignment - Essay Example Controlling obesity is more about changing one’s lifestyle, incorporating healthy activities in daily routine. So maybe lawmakers need to consider making bicycles and gym memberships cheaper. Besides, it is a universal phenomenon that children are inclined to do what they’re told not to, and considering obesity is on the rise in children aged 2 to 19, it is really not a smart idea to tell them their favorite food items are expensive and therefore call for a rebellion. According to me, taxing pizzas and sodas is unfair to the consumers who are conscientious about their choice of toppings and who actually take time to pick out the lesser of the evils for personal benefit. Even the healthy eaters will bear the brunt of this legislature, if passed, leaving many unsettled consumers. If the government actually is this concerned about peoples well being then they should consider bringing down the prices of healthy commodities. This article very rightly also raises the question of what food items are considered â€Å"healthy†and which ones aren’t and also who decides this. Chips are considered high-calorie, but then again you also have oven baked varieties. It all comes down to making a choice, which should be an individual’s own. References Berr, Jonathan. Daily Finance. "First a Soda Tax, Now a Pizza Tax: The Food Police March on".
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Steps To Starting Career After High School Essay
Steps To Starting Career After High School - Essay Example It is not always late to consider a change in career at such points despite the related costs. Career just as stated earlier should be enjoyable and one must therefore ensure that a success offers such factors of satisfaction without which they should change careers at whichever level. After the successful completion of the training programs, people enter into the market commonly referred to as the job market. This is the ultimate testing grounds for the relative successes that people obtain in colleges and universities. People enter the market differently depending on their abilities coupled with their interests. To most people, a level job is always the best way into the market. This refers to a situation in which one is employed by a corporate organization. Such organizations are profit oriented and therefore trade I labor, they pay for the services that one offers them. As an employee, a person works under binding codes and completes the assignments as designed by the mangers. Di fferent people view employment different, to others it could be the ultimate career while to others it could be the starting point to a career. Whichever the case, people must derive satisfaction in the jobs they do. After collages, people often serve in minor positions at the company since they still lack the experience of undertaking serious assignments without the assistance and the supervision of an established employee of the firm. It is therefore natural to hold different positions at the organization. Whichever the position in the organization, one must ensure satisfaction and interest in the job. This way, the career does not become cumbersome. With time, people earn... This essay shows that there are different types of career opportunities. However, they require effective consideration a feature that dictates that people undertake the different study programs in schools and colleges. Once in the job market, people are likely to face numerous challenges such as competition and career frustrations. Some of such frustrations arise from the lack of immediate employment after completing an academic program. It is, therefore, a prerequisite to developing appropriate personalities to ensure that one develop the versatile personality. Knowledge is expandable and people can acquire different levels of understanding of anything. Experience in an industry is an asset since should the organization fail to recognize it, one reserves the willingness to change companies by applying to other job openings in other companies. People should thereby gain satisfaction from their careers and the positions they serve in the companies. In the absence of such, it is often advisable to either shift careers or changes the employer. However, experience alone does not warrant an improvement, especially in employment. A successful career grows; an individual must, therefore, undertake every activity to ensure the growth of the career. This paper makes a conclusion that to develop an exciting and satisfying career, one should acquire as much knowledge of the industry and related fields in order to have an elaborate understanding of the operations of the industry. This way, a career becomes less stressful.
Monday, August 26, 2019
Managing for the Future Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Managing for the Future - Essay Example Some of the major objectives of the company are to provide growth and opportunities to employees, fulfilling the shareholder’s expectations and creating shareholder’s value. (PepsiCo, 2013c). The vision of the company is to translate the mission and objectives through the development of social, environmental and economical development programmes (PepsiCo, 2013c). The values and philosophy of Pepsi signifies its responsibility towards societal and community needs (PepsiCo, 2013e). The main objective of the company is to attain the financial and business goals with a positive impact on the society (PepsiCo, 2013o).The company has expanded into several segments and regions by acquiring several business units and companies like Tropicana, Pepsi Bottling Group and Pepsi Americas in the year 2007 and 2009 respectively (PepsiCo, 2013f). 1 (a) Environmental Issues Environmental issues have been a cause of huge concern for the society, government and the companies. The major cau se of the environmental degradation has been the impact of the business activities and process. The alterations in the biodiversity have interacted in the most complex ways with the environment. The environmental issues in developed and developing countries have propelled the demand for restructuring the environmental reform. Environmental issues have become a growing concern for the government of varied nations and have compelled them to create knowledge of environmental imperatives, rules and regulations. The government of varied nations especially of the developing nations are trying to manage the situational crisis by developing measures of protection for the environment. Environment protection measures by the government have helped in creating awareness among the societal members and led to reduction of economic stress. The fundamental problems of environmental degradation could be solved with the aid of the multinational corporations. The aid of multinational corporations is r equired for the reduction in the carbon emissions and toxic elements (Chukwuma, 2000).The government of varied nations and the world health organizations have created several strict measures for the multinational corporations to abide by. The various environmental issues developed by Pepsi during the tenure 2007 to 2013 would be as follows: Year Environmental issues & Sustainability Technology 2007 The management had developed a programme which was known as human sustainability. The goal of this programme was to develop food products which were healthy and nourishing for customers. The company had taken measures of reducing the water and energy consumption per unit by 20 percent (PepsiCo, 2013m). The goals of the programme were also to decrease fuel consumption by 25 percent. The company had reused the water from processing methods to provide communities access to clean water. The company was included in the Dow and Jones Sustainability Index in North America (PepsiCo, 2013h). The c ompany was successful in developing successful technological transformation initiatives. It was also successful in implementing techniques in PCA, Tropicana and Quaker oats for enhancing the product development process. A ground work was laid to convert the financial process, contracts, and other projects into SAP technology (PepsiCo, 2013h). 2008 The company had t
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Juvenile delinquency and the family structure Annotated Bibliography - 1
Juvenile delinquency and the family structure - Annotated Bibliography Example They agree that enhancement of joint effort in support towards youths are at risk between military and civilian schools, courts and other children and family support programs so as to ensure harmony in the activities. Juvenile offenders need to be incorporated into community services that work in collaboration with youth empowerment groups. The article views military families as being under constant stress despite being resilient in some occasions. The stress levels arise due to deployments, disabilities during the service and deaths that arise during military operations. The author established that teenagers in military families tend to have their needs go unmet as well as overlooked by both the legal and social organizations. The teens are overlooked because they are viewed as young adults who are able to take care of heir own issues especially when their parents have been deployed in other war-torn countries such as Afghanistan and Iraq. Moini, J. S., Zellman, G., Gates, S. M., National Defense Research Institute (U.S.), Rand Corporation., & United States. (2006). Providing child care to military families: The role of the demand formula in defining need and informing policy. Santa Monica, CA: RAND. The author described teenagers in military families as being challenged in their upbringing due to the absenteeism by their parents who stay away from them for a long period of time. He elaborated on the various challenges that the teens in military families are likely to face some of which are similar to those from civilian families. Some of those challenges includes learning difficulties, emotional problems, neglect violence during dating and abuse which leads them into delinquency and antisocial activities. The author seeks to explain the real meaning of juvenile delinquency in this book. He defined juvenile delinquency as the action by which people who
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Critically Evaluating Quantitative Research Assignment
Critically Evaluating Quantitative Research - Assignment Example The use of the terms â€Å"quantitative†and â€Å"qualitative†in categorizing variables should not be mistaken with the use of these same terms to describe research approaches. The quantitative and qualitative variables described below both occur within quantitative research; qualitative research takes into account no such variables because it deals with explanation and interpretation of phenomena and do not categorize information in the form of variables (Hopkins, 2008; Hunter & Leahey, 2008; UNESCO, 2011). Quantitative or continuous variables may be classified as interval-scale, continuous ordinal, or ratio-scale. Interval-scale variables have order and equal intervals, are linear, and may assume positive or negative values. Continuous-ordinal variables may or may not be linear (i.e., it may be exponential, logarithmic or other monotonic transformation); they therefore lose their interval-scale property, and the observations are therefore best expressed by their ran ks which is the only certain parameter. Ratio-scale variables are continuous positive measurements on a nonlinear scale, such as the growth of bacterial population; in such a case, the population grows or multiplies at a ratio, for equal time intervals (UNESCO, 2011). Qualitative or discrete variables are also known as categorical values. ... The process of measurement may involve different procedures, depending upon the thing being measured (Gay, 1996). Variables in the physical sciences or areas of inquiry are usually measured according to a deterministic or positivist manner; this means that the measurements obtained are detectable and verifiable by the five senses, so they are more or less objective (Kincheloe, 1998; Colwell, 2006; Palmo, Weikel & Borsos, 2006; Hammersley & Atkinson, 2007) . On the other hand, measurements of variables that have a bearing in the social sciences are usually probabilistic in nature, which means that the actual measure may only be conjectured at with a certain degree of accuracy that is less than 100 per cent, and therefore prone to some subjectivity in the determination. An example of this is psychometrics, the field of study that measures the social and psychological attributes pertaining to certain phenomena (Rust & Golombok, 1999; Rao & Sinharay, 2007; Furr & Bacharach, 2008). Since the attributes measured are essentially internal processes that occur in the mind, they may be observed only from their external manifestations, or what are thought to be such, and from thence rendered into measurable quantities qualified by probability. Measurement is therefore indirect rather than direct (Kincheloe, 1998; Colwell, 2006). For directly observable things, measurement is straightforward, needing only physical counting or the use of such measuring tools as gauges, scales or meters. For those quantities that may not be directly measured, there are different approaches. One is the use of proxies (e.g. stand-ins); these are manifestations other than the variable being actually measured, that are
Friday, August 23, 2019
English2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
English2 - Essay Example Monitoring of rest periods and performance of dynamic and isometric exercises is also important as rest restores energy reserves and exercises prevent plateauing of fitness. In addition, listening to music and adjusting the order of compound exercises is important as it kick starts stalled progress and shifts around fatigue, while music helps in focusing. The article talks about renewing progress towards fitness and means through which stalling can be prevented. The article talks of the different causes of plateauing in fitness and achievement of exercise goals such as a fixed routine and rigidity in following only one routine in cardio. As a result, the article aims at resuming the achievement of physical goals in fitness by offering advice and new ways through which one can improve his or her work out and squeeze more from them. It also aims at having individuals follow improved means of working out for improved results in fitness by offering information in the benefits of certain suggested changes. The appeal of the author is quite convincing, especially with the information that is presented throughout the article with a sense of authority. This can be seen especially in the application and monitoring of rest periods, where the author advises the persons working out to follow certain principles. As a result, the principles show a strong sense of comprehension in the issue of working and all that affects it in terms of rebuilding energy and fat loss. The appeal to the audience shows honesty following the presence of vested interests in the wellbeing of the audience y mentioning the audience on a first person basis. The use of loos shows how knowledgeable the author is in the topic as the article features plenty of informative cues that aim at bettering the form and work out of any interested being reading the article. The target audience in this article is all persons that work out, in general, and for the details, it focuses on anyone preventing a
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Lenovos Entrance in Argentina for Mobile Phone Essay
Lenovos Entrance in Argentina for Mobile Phone - Essay Example was the initial name of Lenovo. Lui Chuanzhi was the founder of the company. In the initial stage, the company was mainly into selling of merchandising that ranged from television to roller stakes. The company has established a subsidiary in Hong Kong that mainly focuses on the PC distribution i.e. Legend Holding Limited. The success of the concerned brand was the key reason that facilitated the expansion of the company (Lenovo 2013). Correspondingly, in the year 1990, the strategy taken by the Chinese government was to reduce the rate of import tariffs. This further ensured effective international trade between the company and another company named IBM. This strategy led to the expansion of the Legend Group Holdings, which is a subsidiary company within the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. During these years, the company had flourished within the international boundaries. This is the reason the name was changed and reframed as Lenovo. 2.2 Lenovo’s Culture In the year 2005, Lenovo, t he Chinese company made acquisition of IBM’s PC divisions. This emancipated spectacular changes within the company’s history. This change within IBM was a cultural shock for the employees of IBM. The cultural shock of the employees was effectively mitigated by the management of Lenovo. In case of the Chinese management, they efficiently responded to the insecurity pertaining to the employees by hosting cultural events. In this regard, such cultural events helped in boosting the motivation of the employees. Moreover, it was effectively conveyed by the Lenovo’s management to the employees that they intend to expand the operations rather than liquidating anything. Correspondingly, on part of Lenovo’s culture, it has been ascertained that... This paper approves that Lenovo to get success in Argentina can use strategic alliance mode of entry for its mobile phone by collaborating with the leading market player in the mobile sector America Movil’s Claro. This alliance would help in creating a strong market base because of the brand name of Lenovo and its technological advantage. The reason for the alliance would be to derive the benefit of access to supplementary services. This entry strategy would help Lenovo to get success in the Argentina market similar to Unicom Telecommunications market entry strategy made it a huge success. This report makes a conclusion that the emerging demand of mobile phones in Argentina has been the major factor that motivated Lenovo to seek the expansion strategy. The political environment of Argentina as per the analysis is not very supportive for the new market entrants. Thus, to ensure a smooth entry in Argentina, Lenovo needs to use the alliance strategy with the market leader. Moreover, it is to be recommended that a proper internal and external environment market scanning is done through the research and development team to continuously understand the trend of customer preferences. Furthermore, the use of proper pricing strategy along with understanding of the cultural aspect of the country is to be followed by the management by proper entry mode strategy. It is also recommended that the awareness of the global brand should be created affectively in the minds of the people.
Final Strategic Plan Essay Example for Free
Final Strategic Plan Essay Everyone wants to have a delicious meal that will not cost them a lot of money. There are many restaurants that try to sell you their services. Greg’s Family Restaurant is a restaurant which will provide a wholesome nutritious meal and great customer service for all our patrons. Mission Statement The mission of Greg’s restaurant is to provide wholesome meals at unbelievable prices the competition cannot compare. Our restaurant is to provide customers the service each and every one of them want and deserve. We will provide this type of service with the technology that is available to us as a business. With this technology we provide our customers with great service and delicious meals at an unbelievable price. We will become the best restaurant in the area that provides our customers with Mexican, Afro-American cuisine. The employees of Greg’s restaurant will be like family. Organization Vision Vision is the strategic planning of a company to achieving its goals. â€Å"A vision statement presents the firm’s strategic intent that focuses the energies and resources of the company on achieving a desirable future†(Pearce Robinson, 2009, p37). The aim for Greg’s restaurant is to in the next 2-4 years to be above and beyond the competition and to expand the business to other areas within the city. The future planning of the restaurant is to come up with menu items that will continue to help the business to prosper. Guiding principles: Culture, social responsibility, and ethics Greg’s restaurant is following many values and cultures according to the needs of customers. The menu items of the restaurant represent different cultures that can attract customers of different nationalities and societies. Greg’s restaurant is multi- cultural and offers a wide variety of menu items that everyone can enjoy. Greg’s restaurant gives priority to the values of honesty and integrity in full support of their valued patrons. The restaurant also offers specials throughout the week and also issues coupons to get half off on certain menu items. The business is using products that are environmentally friendly and to help protect the environment and health of the community. The vision, mission, and values statement of the restaurant will provide the framework, structure and the company’s goal. The vision is the end goal the restaurant wants to achieve whereas the mission and the values will provide the business with the everyday activities the business already performs and also the structure and framework for the strategic plan for the business. The business will address customer needs by providing good service and meals to each and every patron that enters the establishment. All customers will get the same fresh meal the first customer to the last customer. The staff will act in a professional manner and provide great customer service and our suppliers along with the restaurant will serve the freshest ingredients available. Organization Strategic Direction Without strategic direction the business will not be able to accomplish its mission or vision. So it is very important that a company has a strategic direction for the implementation of its mission and vision. Strategic direction is defined as strategies made by a business or company to fulfill its mission. Strategic direction helps the owner and employees to know what is needed or required to achieve the mission of the company. Customer needs and competitive advantage At Greg’s restaurant it is important for the business to provide a relaxed comfortable atmosphere to the customers so they can like at home. At Greg’s restaurant there has been mechanisms added to provide the customers with the necessary seating and waiting areas to help them feel more comfortable at the restaurant. It is also a positive direction the company has taken is there is no priority of any culture or religion to dine at the restaurant. Honesty is a key element that we strive when dealing with patrons. Strategy planning helps the company review the mission and vision and to make sure that the company is headed in the right direction on achieving the goals. The future planning and vision of the restaurant has an impact on the restaurant strategy and it could impact the way the business will do over the next few years. The business has to utilize its vision and mission statements to make new decisions or to improve on the decisions it makes about the future of th e business and what is going to benefit the business. SWOTT Analysis In the restaurant business and by being new to the industry which is very competitive a SWOTT analysis plays a key role and is needed for a business to succeed. Greg’s Family Restaurant sets itself apart from other restaurants by servicing their customers with excellent customer service and meals. When analyzing a business one has to look at the internal and external factors that affect the company. A SWOTT analysis provides a breakdown of all these factors even factors that could affect a business internally and externally. SWOTT analysis is a tool a company uses in forming a strategic plan. It is the most effective tool a company uses to determine and uses for a strategic plan. SWOTT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats, and Trends a company must face. Business can use SWOTT as a tool to create and overview of the organization strategic situation. (Pearce Robinson, 2009). For a new establishment like Greg’s Restaurant a SWOTT analysis is necessary to establish and compare where it is in a competitive market. When operating any type of business preparation is a key element: looking into as many potential options as possible is a must to prevent the company from profit loss along with the shareholders but in this case it is Greg’s stakeholders at risk. By eliminating all possible threats and creating opportunities with limited financial resources and concentrating on the long- term goal is the key to the success of the business and the future. SWOTT provides basic framework for business existing or new. More opportunities can be created by eliminating various weaknesses. External forces which are opportunities, threats, and trends are sets of uncontrollable factors the restaurant face and must overcome to succeed in the restaurant business. After conducting a SWOTT analysis legal and regulatory, economic, technology, Global and social trends were found external forces that need to be addressed. Legal and Regulatory Because of the external forces of opening a new restaurant or possible refitting and exiting building you will have to deal with the zoning laws. Restaurants need licenses and permits to operate or a food service establishment permit, alcohol license and food safety permit. Food safety health codes vary from state to state but restaurant businesses have to abide by the rules and laws that are put forth. The rules and regulations are to help protect the consumers and business. Economic Information regarding to products, services, tools, technology, and suppliers will compromise the economic environment of the restaurant. In 2001 California restaurants are projected to register 63.8 billion in sales, every $1 spent generates additional $1.19 in sales for the state economy. In 2010 there were 62, 794 eating and drinking places in California; every extra $1 million spent in California’s restaurants generates an additional 23.8 jobs in the state. In 2012 California restaurants employ 1,445,000 people ( Macroeconomics is very sluggish at this point in time. Inflation is at a high and banks are increasing interest rates. People are not spending as they did in the past they are more frugal with their finances. With the housing market in a slump, unemployment on the rise and with energy prices on the rise it is giving the restaurant industry a hard time. Changing labor conditions and cost is affecting smaller family type restaurants to eventually lose their business. Globalization Globalization shows opportunity for Greg’s restaurant to expand outside the United States. Forming a Limited Liability Company (LLC) it protects your personal assets from any liability the business incurs. If the owner plans on setting up a restaurant in different locations have separate LLC for the location. Social Socially people love to meet, dine, and have a drink and fun. But given the economic conditions of today it is hard for people to dine like they once did in the past. People are also concern about eating healthy and given the increase of a lot of food recalls in the past. Social media is also playing a big role in the marketing aspect of the restaurant industry. Technology Technology in the restaurant industry is very vital to the everyday operation. There is software available to track inventory, supplier orders, and to manage food orders. Technology is being developed every day to improve the way restaurants do business. Managers are no in more control of their staff with remote monitoring systems. Internal forces are more controllable factors a business can use to improve the operation and its path to success. After conducting an internal evaluation these were the factors the business came up with that is logical: strategy, strategic capabilities, and structures. Strategy In order for the restaurant to grow and expand a strategy has to be designed to which the business should offer products and services which customers could not receive from anywhere else. As far as strategizing the restaurant has the use of resource control which is key i.e. (operations, finance, supplies, and manpower). Strategic Capabilities Strategic capabilities play a big part in the restaurant industry. A business can create its own uniqueness through its marketing and strategic capabilities. A well- organized supply chain, a well trained staff, and a competent management team are strategic capabilities that will help the restaurant to fulfill its vision. The business also needs to consider its ability to manage working capital, expecting manpower issues and customer expectations and the ability to think ahead of the competition. As the industry changes over a period of time the threats and opportunities the restaurant will face the strategies and model of the business will have to adapt to these changes to meet the needs of the customers. It is very critical management focuses and maintain a product mix that works well for the business. The restaurant should position itself to reach specific demographic groups. Issues and Opportunities As mentioned in internal forces issues that are apparent is the lack of interactions between the employees. With these issues it allows opportunity to create meetings between employees and management. These meetings will allow staff to feel they belong and part of the family. It also allows employees to express what is working and not working for the business and what need improvement since the staff are the ones interacting with the customers. Balance Scorecard To develop a Greg’s Family Restaurant a balance scorecard is essential. It is key component for defining the goals and targets of a business as well as the mission vision and SWOTT analysis. A balanced scorecard is, â€Å"A set of four measures directly linked to a company’s strategy: financial performance, customer knowledge, internal business processes, and learning and growth†(Pearce Robinson, 2009, p. 202). Financial Perspective/ Shareholder Value A well thought out vision and mission statement will facilitate the restaurant to achieve its target. The restaurants objectives are to increase the performance of the restaurant. The responsibility of the restaurant is to seek its customer satisfaction. Increase revenue, and also achieve financial stability. Customer Value Perspective Customers determine the success of the business. The ups and downs of the restaurants as well as the delivery of the services the business provides relates to the customers satisfaction. The more the customers are satisfied the better the business will do to attract more customers. Process/Internal Operations Perspective Strategic planning is very effective to give a nutritious meal to customers. This should be done in accordance with the customer needs. The most important thing is to determine the purpose and intentions of the strategy, because this will help the business towards its goals. The restaurant should set its goals and the path while keeping in minds the values and interest of the patrons. Customer comment cards should be available so customers can express their comments and concern. Greg’s family restaurant is always taking initiatives to improve service and products to increase their customer base. Learning and Growth Perspective Learning and growth process is the prospective to know about your business and if it is developing into the type of business you dreamt of. Learning in accordance to Greg’s family restaurant means to learn about the attitudes of the employees which are internal and customers which are external. Strategic planning within the growth and learning perspective should focus on employee training to have competent employees. Balance Scorecard Shareholder Value/Financial Perspective Strategic Objectives * Market share should increase * Net revenues should increase * Financial stability should be achieved * Production cost should be minimized Performance Measure * Revenue growth * Increased operating cost * Return on interest and capital Targets * 3-6 % market share increase over the next 3 years * 20% profit margin Customer Perspective Strategic Objectives * Focus on public interest * Quality food should be delivered * Community support * Improving brand name in market Performance Measures * New Menu Items should be offered * Awareness of brand in public Targets * 100% customer satisfaction * 15% increase in customers for the next 3 years Initiatives * Restaurant should expand to other cities * Benefits rewards program Learning Growth Perspective Strategic Objectives * Employees retention increased * Technology should be improved * Employee satisfaction Performance Measures * Customer satisfaction should improve * Employee turnover rate decreased * Surveys, monitoring and training Targets * 100% participation of all employees Initiatives * Staff training * Improved customer service * Analysis of Staffing References Pearce, J. A. II, Robinson, R. B. (2009). Strategic management: Formulation, implementation, and control (11th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Families And Sibling Abuse Analysis Social Work Essay
Families And Sibling Abuse Analysis Social Work Essay Abuse, whether it be physical, emotional, or sexual, can infiltrate a family setting and alter the dynamics greatly. Within a family there are different relationships and bonds, and each one of those relationships may have a different motive and form of abuse within it. A type of abuse within a family that does not receive much attention from society is abuse by siblings. In general, abuse within a family is thought of as a parent abusing a child and asserting their authority in such a way, but the matter of abuse by a sibling is also very important to understand and there are many implications of such abuse. This research paper will address the importance of sibling relationships to further understand the implications that come about from abuse within them, what healthy sibling relationships should look like, the commonality of different relationships of siblings having incest, types of family configurations where sibling abuse is present, and the treatments of siblings that abuse a nd are victims of abuse. Four articles will be used to understand the issue, Sibling Family Practices: Guidelines for Healthy Boundaries (2009) , Sibling Incest: Reports from Forty-One Survivors (2006), Making Sense of Abuse: Case Studies in Sibling Incest (2006), and Treating Sibling Abuse Families (2005). Abuse is a very powerful word that comes with many connotations. The actual definition of abuse has problems with it because it is not universally accepted and the perceptions of abuse from individual to individual vary greatly. Everyone has their own personal opinion on what abuse consists of and in general it is typically thought of as causing harm to another person. Abuse is an issue that has many intersecting factors and many layers that are rooted deep in relationships. One type of abuse that is of great importance, as are the others, is sibling abuse. Sibling abuse is abuse that is perpetrated by one sibling to another and may be physical abuse or sexual abuse, known as incest. The importance of this type of abuse is that it is not given much attention in society and it is difficult to comprehend. Society does not recognize sibling abuse as easily as it will recognize abuse between intimate partners or even abuse between parents and their children. Due to the lack of awareness it is very important to understand what a healthy sibling relationship is, cases of sibling abuse, and treatments of the siblings. By looking at four articles, a view of the issue will come into focus and some light will be shed on the issue of sibling abuse. In Johnson, Huang, and Simpsons research, Sibling Family Practices: Guidelines for Healthy Boundaries, (2009) surveys help conclude what is socially acceptable and what is not within a family. The survey was taken of five hundred people and their opinions generally corresponded. The research showed that when it came to hygiene, bathing together is acceptable for children younger than five if they are of the same gender. If the children are of different genders, the research shows that it is acceptable for children younger than four to bathe together. Showering is a similar issue, being acceptable for same gendered siblings that are younger than six and acceptable for different gendered siblings younger than four and a half years. The data also reflects adults opinions regarding affection, with the statistics on kissing being 37% saying siblings should never kiss on the mouth and 23% of people saying they should kiss at all ages. (Johnson, Huang, Simpson, 2009). Hugging is widely acce pted between siblings. Caffaro and Caffaro address healthy sibling development in Treating Sibling Abuse Families (2005). Caffaro and Caffaro lend a look at the development of sibling relationships, explaining that sibling ties begin in childhood with parents writing the script. (Caffaro Caffaro, 2005). It is common for parents to assign roles for their children without actively meaning to do so. Siblings are often raised being in a natural competition with their sibling and trying to live up to the label that has been placed upon them by their parents. An example would be labeling a child as the smart one and their sibling as the polite one. These two children would compete against each other to keep their title from the other and would also strive to maintain their title, forming it into their self-identity. Carlson, Maciol, and Schneider conducted research in Sibling Incest: Reports from Forty-One Survivors (2006) in order to get a concise picture of sibling sexual abuse. The research was conducted using thirty-four women and seven men and the majority of the forty-one participants were of white. The study conclusions found that three of the males initiated sexual behavior with their sisters and the other men were victims of sibling incest that was brought on by brothers of theirs. Four women of the study were victims of sibling incest because of their sisters and the other thirty women were sexually abused by brothers. The research from this article clearly shows that males are the most common perpetrators of sibling incest and women are more likely to be the victims, but men are also sometimes the victims of sibling abuse brought on by brothers. Corresponding with this data, Caffaro and Caffaro found that sixty-three percent of the women in their study were victims of incest due to th eir brothers sexual assault. In contrast to the prior study, Treating Sibling Abuse Families (2009) found that the second most common form of sibling incest is from one brother to another, the next most common being sisters sexually abusing their brothers, and the least common form being sisters sexually abusing their sisters. (Caffaro Caffaro, 2005). As discussed earlier, it is difficult for society to see all of these cases as abuse and incest because of the difficulties there are in defining abuse and there are also different views between families of what is acceptable and normal. In Making Sense of Abuse: Case Studies in Sibling Incest (2006), Bass, Taylor, Knudson-Martin, and Huenergardt discuss the possibility of abuse being seen as normal within a family. The research done in the article is case studies that follow two Latin American families where sibling incest was present. One of the families viewed abuse as normal and used secrecy as a way to maintain the abuse. Also, the family did not see outside systems as positive and held the opinion that the systems were invading their personal lives. The second family in the research differed from the first in the way that they viewed abuse as a mistake and unacceptable and they used secrecy to protect rather than perpetuate abuse. The second family also differed in seeing outsi de systems and legitimate and, although the systems caused some hardships, they saw them as appropriate and not intrusive as the first had. (Bass, Taylor, Knudson-Martin, Huenergardt, 2006). Treatment for sibling abuse may begin with what is referred to as a Sibling Abuse Interview, or SAI for short. (Caffaro Caffaro, 2005). The SAI functions by asking questions of all family members about the relationships that are currently between the siblings and also the history of those relationships. The SAI asks questions that deal with abuse and trauma and also points out areas of family resilience. Treatment is usually similar to treatment of other forms of abuse, but the therapy is slightly modified. There are two different perspectives when it comes to sexual abuse of children and they are the Child Protection Movement and the Feminist Movement. The Child Protection Movement holds the philosophy that the child victim is the most important at that time and that the entire family is responsible for protecting that child and providing them safety. The ultimate goal of the Child Protective Movement is to reunite the family with a healthier way of living. The Feminist Movement fa vors advocacy over all others. This perspective feels that it is necessary and most beneficial for the victim to have an advocate on their side that is determined to establish protection for that child in the present and the future as well. The Feminist Movement supports family reconciliation, but it does not hold it as a top priority. (Crosson-Tower, 2010). These two theories produce different forms of treatment and have different strategies for treating the victims of incest. Both hold the victims protection above all else but they differ in terms of what is best for the child, whether it be healthy family practices or advocacy for the victim. The four studies discussed help to give a broad understanding of sibling incest, from the healthy sibling relationships that are used as basis, what sibling incest can be interpreted as in terms of common types, family influences on sibling incest regarding their mindsets, to the treatment and outcomes of sibling incest. The studies were largely consistent and all painted pictures that corresponded with one another. There were some minor discrepancies in findings, such as the commonality of different forms of sibling incest, but in general the larger messages were all the same. The implications of the research presented is a better awareness of sibling incest and the ability to recognize red flags when they are present. Sibling incest is more prominent than society likes to think and without understanding sibling incest, it is difficult to prevent it from happening. With understanding, family structures that allow for incest can be recognized and sibling incest can hopefully be dimin ished.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Civil Disobedience and Its Relation to the Democratic Process Essay
Everything in the universe is a system that must progress, and in order to progress, it must consume and test the realities around it. Throughout the history of humanity, individuals and groups have always defied laws that they believe are unjust and have always moved to progress society based on either their own motives. The idea of Democracy is revolutionary; it is a microcosm of the collective reality because different entities always come together in a feedback loop in order for their motives to coalesce and balance each other out. This is the case from large galactic masses to individuals engaging in civil disobedience in order to further a cause. Despite concerns that it eliminates order and allows individuals to disregard laws that they disagree with, civil disobedience is quintessential to the democratic process, because it allows those who engage in it to accept the legal consequences of their actions and spark debate over whether heinous legalities should be repealed. Any symbiosis of individuals and government, must be egalitarian. The Founding Fathers of this nation believed that all men are created equal and should be ensured the right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The United States Constitution was created in order for the institution of government to be able to deed the greatest amount of liberty and prosperity to all individuals, through a representative democracy. Here, whenever there are disagreements between individuals and government officials in regards to how a community is running, citizens are given greater leeway to manage their issues locally and gradually see results carried out to the national level, based on the momentum and support the respective initiatives have in the public domain.... ...the use of this tool, then we will have unlocked the gateway to prosperity in this country. Works Cited "Bill of Rights Transcript Text." National Archives and Records Administration. Web. 25 Mar. 2012. Casola, Luca. Black Markets: Empirical Studies into the Economic Behaviour of the Black Market Consumer. Diss. University of Canterbury, 2007. Canterbury, Australia: University of Canterbury, 2007. Print. Celente, Gerald. "Protest Trends for the New Millenium." Trends Journal (2009). Print. Harvey Wheeler, "Preface," Daniel Sisson, The American Revolution of 1800, Alfred A. Knopf, N.Y. 1974. Limieux, Pierre. "Civil and Uncivil Disobedience Would Henry David Thoreau Have Obeyed Stop Signs in Outremont, Quà ©bec?" Liberty (1995). Web. 12 Mar. 2012. "Schaffer Library of Drug Policy." DRCNet Online Library of Drug Policy. Web. 18 Mar. 2012.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Joggers Universe Essay -- Case Study Business Analysis, solution
Joggers Universe Evaluate Sue Koenig’s present strategy.      I think Sue is trying to satisfy too many customers. She needs to concentrate on her target market, which is a major portion of her core business and market to them. This would be the hardcore runners and expand on the services and information available to them. She should also create some special freebie that would gain word of mouth publicity to bring more people to her stores. Evaluate the alternative strategies she is considering. She has the right idea with the custom made shoes. The serious joggers would love this because they know what benefit they get from a shoe fitting perfectly. The small investment she has initially will be no problem once the word gets out that she has this special service or product off...
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Cloning Essay -- Biology, Stem Cells, Asexual Reproduction
Abstract: The rate of using cloning is rapidly increasing. Cloning of different species is a beneficial process, but also has limitations as it can be hazardous and harmful to our society. Cloning is the process in which multiple identical copies of an entire entity are made. An example is the cloning of stem cells which provide identical replicas that can be used to help an injured human. This study compares the favourable and negative outcomes of cloning different organisms, from a scientific perspective without getting into the ethics and religious views. As well, this paper discusses whether or not cloning is considered suitable for society and under what circumstances that this pertains. Through scientific research and background knowledge, many facts are produced about the affects of cloning plants, animals and people. After weighing out both sides of this process in each circumstance, it can be concluded that the cloning of plants, animals, and humans can be beneficial, but it needs to be kept to a minimum to limit the chance of having a uniform society. Cloning of different species is a beneficial process, yet it has its limitations as it can be hazardous and harmful to society. Cloning is the process of asexual reproduction of an entire entity, in which multiple, identical genetic copies are created. According to Webster`s Online Dictionary, â€Å"cloning is the process of producing a clone†, and a clone is â€Å"a cell, cell product, or organism that is genetically identical to the unit or individual from which it was derived.†While one may take an ethical approach to determine whether or not cloning should be allowed, this study is based solely on scientific facts and evidence. Cloning can be done on plants, animals and hum... ...ning and experimenting. The benefits and problems of cloning tend to make a cycle. For example, if scientists continue to genetically clone species that help in the medicinal field, then this would cause people to live unnaturally long. The issue of extreme overcrowding would arise, and scientists would have to clone or grow more crops to provide an adequate amount of food for everyone, thus leading to more possible environmental damage. Cloning has been proven to be useful to society; however there are many risks that come with it. This process needs to be analyzed in more depth in each circumstance, to determine the long term effects, before moving forward with the use of cloning on a global scale. Cloning is a beneficial process to our society; however certain forms of human cloning are unacceptable at this time, due to our inability to predict consequences.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Wittgenstein and Modern Philosophy: A Review
JUSTUS HARTNACK, Wittgenstein and Modern Philosophy (trans: Maurice Cranston, New York: Anchor Books, 1965) pp. (x+142). Paper. The book Wittgenstein and Modern Philosophy, written by Professor Justus Hartnack, was first published in Danish. Later this book was translated to English by Maurice Cranston who was the author of Freedom, What are Human Rights? , Jean-Paul Sartre and the standard biography of John Locke. Hartnack is also famous for his book Philosophical Problems. The book Wittgenstein and Modern Philosophy deals with the philosophy of the most famous contemporary philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein.This book covers over one hundred and forty two pages. It begins with a preface by the author. This book, having five chapters, is the interpretation of Wittgenstein’s philosophical works. The first chapter, under the title ‘Biographical Introduction’, dealt with the life history of Ludwig Wittgensteinâ€â€the most renowned figure of the time. He was a great philosopher who dedicated himself to the growth of philosophy. â€Å"†¦philosophy was his life†(p. 3). Though he made lectures on British universities, he was not at all English, but an Austrian Jew, living and working in England.He was born in Vienna in 1889, the son of a rich engineer. Initially he had a taste to engineering; but later, it transformed to mathematics and he became a disciple of Bertrand Russell in Cambridge University. At the outbreak of the First World War, he contributed a few years in the Austrian army. His first and the most famous book, Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus was published in 1922. Indeed the language of the book is elusive, â€Å"it has had an enormous influence among philosophers†(p. 6). Its influence was particularly marked in the logical positivism that became so fashionable in the years between the wars.But the later teachings of Wittgenstein were contrasting to the former teachings. His The Philosophical Investigations (1953) , which published only after his death marked a new beginning in the world of philosophy. Besides the above books, he was also the author of the book, The Blue and Brown Books (1958). His writings paved a place for Wittgenstein in the history of philosophy. The second chapter named ‘The Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus’ gives out a brief summary of Wittgenstein’s eighty pages bookâ€â€Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus.The author begins with the traditional notion of languageâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬Å"consists of words and each word possesses meaning insofar as it stands for something†(p. 13). It is the search for the problem of philosophical assertions that brings out the serious errors in using the language. So, Russell in his Principia Mathematica comes up with the need of constructing a new language preserving the logical form. It was the beginning of symbolic logic. But Wittgenstein was not satisfied with this new language because â€Å"he did not think there was a ny need to construct a new language because he held that there is only one language†(p. 6). His book Tractatus shares this idea. The author expresses the content of Wittgenstein’s Tractatus in nine parts in this chapter. The world, thought and propositions nave the same logical formâ€â€world is represented by thought and it is expressed in words as propositions. So, according to Wittgenstein, â€Å"the world is the totality of facts, not of things†(p. 18). A thing is not itself a fact even the thing is bound up with the notion of a fact. The author uses the example: â€Å"It is a fact that my watch is lying on the table, but neither the watch nor the table is a fact†(p. 25).The thought and propositions serve as pictures of facts. This is known as ‘Picture Theory of Language’â€â€language is a picture or model of facts. Pictures are models of reality and these are made up of elements that represent objects. The combination of objects in the picture represents the combination of objects in reality. So the function of the language is to represent the state of affairs in the world. But the proposition does not give a spatial representation of the fact; it is only a logical picture of the state of affairs. Then, Hartnack points out Wittgenstein’s concept of ‘mystical’.There are some facts â€Å"that would be nonsensical to discuss, describe or even to think, because language cannot logically be employed about it†(p. 40). He included all the ethical and spiritual values in the realm of mystical. It is something that is transcendental. The third chapter ‘The Tractatus and Logical Positivism’ says about the influence of Tractatus over logical positivism. The author divided this chapter into four parts. The first part comments on logical positivist’s conception of philosophy. For them, â€Å"the task of philosophy †¦is simply to clarify the meaning of such [philosoph ical] problems and propositions†(p. 6). It has nothing to do in providing information about reality. A better understanding of the meaning of propositions can be ascertained through ‘verification principle’â€â€one understands the meaning of a proposition only of one knows how it could be verified. For example, the statement ‘It is raining’ can be verified. But there are some other propositions that can’t be verified and it is called as ‘pseudo propositions’ similar to Wittgenstein’s ‘mystical’. In the following parts of the third chapter, the author discusses how the logical positivism differs from the ideas of Wittgenstein.It is believed by the positivist that Wittgenstein was the first one who had proposed the verification principle. Wittgenstein accepted the mystical propositions as genuine along with the empirical propositions. But positivists denied the assumption that mystical propositions are genuine for they cannot accept anything other than that is empirical. â€Å"†¦what cannot be said, and therefore cannot be thought, is not an expression of the limits of language. The reason for being silent is that there is nothing to speak about†(p. 55). The fourth chapter holds the same title, ‘The Philosophical Investigations’, of his second known book.This chapter speaks on the summary of Wittgenstein’s Investigations. This book is not a continuation of his own ‘Tractatus’; rather it is the repudiation of his views in ‘Tractatus’. The author explains its importance as: What gives the importance is that it contains the mature philosophy of Wittgenstein. It introduces a new chapter in the history of philosophy. It is not just a continuation or development of the thought of others. It is something wholly original (p. 62-63). The Investigations had a reference to St. Augustine’s Confessions. â€Å"St.Augustine fancied, acc ording to Wittgenstein, that he had discovered what was essential to all languages, namely that all words should have a meaning and that the meaning of each was what it stood for†(p. 65). Augustine conceived of it as a ‘naming-game’, that is, as a language mastered by learning the names of different things. But Wittgenstein couldn’t approve this ‘naming-game’ and with a slight difference he introduced ‘language-game’ which had its foundation on the sense that the meaning of a word is its use in the language. He thought that in language we are playing with words.As we can’t find any resemblance in different games though they possess some similarities and relationships, we can’t find resemblance in our multiple ways of language use. Hartnack discusses: Language, no longer a picture of reality, is now seen as a tool†¦with variety of uses. Different words are like different tools in the toolbox. And just as there is no one use which is the essential use of all tools, there is no one essential use for words and sentences. (p. 75) Different language-games show a family resemblance as like the members of a family share many similar features, such as eye colour, hair, facial structure, etc,.However, there will be no one particular feature that they all share in common. So the different language-games are related to one another in many different ways. In Investigations, Wittgenstein made a gradual transition on the aim of philosophy. With a new view, philosophy aims at complete clarity. â€Å"[And] this complete clarity does not lead to the solution of problem, but to its disappearance†(p. 82). Why is to say that the problem disappear? It is because the origin of the philosophical perplexity is an error, or rather a misunderstandingâ€â€a misunderstanding of the logical grammar of the sentences concerned.When it has been healed, the source of the problem has not been ‘solvedâ€℠¢, it has vanished. The role of philosophy is to show the path of liberation to the fly trapped in the fly bottle. In the last chapter ‘Contemporary Philosophical Investigations’, Hartnack says something about the philosophers who were very much influenced by Wittgenstein. He also tried to give a brief note on the papers and books published by those philosophers. Gilbert Ryle’s The Concept of Mind is the first book to be dealt with.It was published in 1949, four years before the Investigations, and it is not Wittgenstein in style, although there is no conflict on essential points; â€Å"but it is typically Wittgensteinian in that it treats philosophical problems as the consequence of the misunderstanding of the logic of concepts†(p. 119). Besides giving a short description, the author has not tried to go deep into the text. Following Ryle’s The Concept of Mind, Hartnack makes a brief study on Peter Strawson’s paper ‘On Referringâ€℠¢, where Strawson is attacking what he believes to be a mistaken conception of meaning. Strawson’s paper is Wittgensteinian in the sense that it argues that the meaning of a sentence is not what it refers to, but the rules for its correct use†(p. 121). He rejected Russell’s claim that every sentence must be true or false or meaningless. For Strawson, â€Å"a sentence is meaningful if there are rules for its use as an assertion†(p. 126). In the following two parts of the last chapter, author summarises ‘The Ascription of Responsibility and Rights’, the defense paper of Professor H. L. A. Hart and ‘On Grading’, the paper presented by the Oxford philosopher J.O. Urmson. The former is dealt with morality and jurisprudence. Here Hart made some similarities of the problems in philosophy and legal concepts. The latter studies the use of sentences that function as evaluations. Urmson works from the simple and homely example of grading a pples. An apple can be graded either as good or as bad, based on its empirical properties. But â€Å"the logical structure of the sentence ‘This is good’ is quite distinct from any question about the validity or relevance of any criterion that may be invoked in support of it†(p. 42). The validity of the statement is not proved in this kind of evaluations. The book Wittgenstein and Modern Philosophy is really an excellent interpretation of Ludwig Wittgenstein’s philosophical worksâ€â€Tractatus and Investigations. Hartnack had made a genuine effort to make this book marvelous. Though this book contributes nothing new to the world of philosophy, it shows a great honour to Wittgenstein. Hartnack was successful in giving appropriate footnotes in places where the reader needs clarifications.But it is sorry to say that this book lacks index and the last chapter of this book is so vague. The author would have to pay a little more attention to these drawbacks. Excluding these drawbacks, this book is an awesome work. This book will be very useful to the philosophy students especially those who are making study exclusively on Wittgenstein. Even the translator re-produced the book in a simple and eloquent language. This book review will be incomplete unless I mention that the author showed justice to the works of Wittgenstein and even to the readers.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Compare and Contrast: Schools Essay
Choosing a college could be hard like if your choosing the University of Nevada, Las Vegas or University of California, Los Angleos. They have many similarities but there has to be something different about them that helps you choose a decision but you cant find it. Is it the environment that surrounds each of the schools. Maybe the different academics, does it have what I want to succeed in one day. Or what if it has the sports I love to play and watch and are they good at them. Choosing a college is a choice that is apart of your life forever. Its where one day you hopefully will get your degree and have the oppurtunities of a lifetime. Is the University of California, Los Angelos a better school then the University of Nevada, Las Vegas? The environment in Las Vegas is not as big and open as Los Angelos. They both have many simularites such as: the culture, opportunities, experiences, and walking distance in many places. But Las Vegas is known as sin city and if your for the partying, and having the fun its a great environment for you to be around. Like Los Angelos, Las Vegas is known to many big businesses. There are 20,000 people that attend this university which seems like a lot In contrast the University of California which is located in Los Angelos. When many people think Los Angelos they think gangs and violence but there is an up part to that. The University of California is one the highest known schools in the United States. The environment is a lot like Vegas but there are 40,000 people that attend the school and wheres there more people usually means more surroundings and a bigger space. It may have some of the same things like culture, opportunities , and experiences. Like UNLV, UCLA is a lot of walking distance from dorms to school, and many things in between those are things like food, gyms and etc. Vegas is a great place for learning; It has many things to offer just as well as Los Angelos. The environment is great but academics is the real reason you are going to college unless your the next Micheal Phelps, Lebron James , or another athletic star. In the University of Nevada they offer 220 undergraduate, masters , and doctoral degree program. It might offer less due to the smaller school. Unlv is based on a medical school. As for UCLA, it offers 5,000 courses that could end in 125 different majors. UCLA has a lot more to offer its not really based on just one thing. With the bigger classes it maybe a little crowed but the professors are there to help you. They may not care as much as they do it the classrooms but it would be your responsibility to go after to ask for help. Or even join tutoring which I’m sure is offered at both schools. With over 109 academic departments it would help you decided on what you want to do in life. Being Micheal Phelps, LeBron James, or even Alex Rodriguez, you would have to start somewhere in life. College is where everything hits the big time because the professional teams or even Olympics starts to really look at you. Both UNLV and UCLA have many sports to offer. The University of Nevada is the home of the red and silver Rebels. They offer the normal football , baseball, basketball, swim, golf, soccer,and etc. They do offer men cheer which not many schools do not offer. Although UCLA doesn’t offer male cheer it offers others things like track and field, mens volleyball, water polo, women gymnastics, women rowing,and women sand volleyball, otherwise it offers the same basic sports. UCLA is home of the blue and gold Bruns. They are very high in there division because of the level of talents they have on the field and/or courts. UCLA is a better school it offers a more experience environment that will prepare you more for the future, has a better verity of academics, and more sports to offer for the people who have dreams to become professional athletes. College is very stressful itself but finding one right for you is even harder. The University of Nevada in Las Vegas offers many things but; it isn’t just as big and have more opportunity then the University of California in Los Angelos. With the environment, academics, and sports its a bigger and better school. Some people might disagree but that’s what I think.
Ironies of Emancipation Essay
The article â€Å"Ironies of Emancipation: Changing Configurations of Women’s Work in the ‘Mission of Sisterhood’ to Indian Women†by Jane Haggis is an article that was written from a feminist perspective to ask specific questions about how the influence of the mission of sisterhood either helped or hurt Indian women in the 1800’s. The author takes the position that Indian women were confined to marriages more acutely because of the presence of female missionaries in India. The author points out that the female missionaries became almost a â€Å"symbol of emancipation in terms of British imperial feminism†and for this reason alone, the Indian population was unhappy with the way the females presented themselves and did not change (Haggis123). The missionary work, in of itself, was â€Å"women’s work†and was a way in which the British women were able to exert their own independence while doing the will of God. This article focuses a great deal on how the religion of the time affected the way in which British and Indian women communicated and interacted with each other and was a reason for the outcome, either the failure or the accomplishments, of the Mission of Sisterhood. The author describes how these women were expected to carry out their â€Å"women’s work†despite the domestic duties that were expected of a Victorian wife and mother, mostly because in Travencore women had a different role in terms of motherhood because their children were often sent away to school to get a proper British education. This left them able to pursue other duties, such as their mission to the Indian women (Haggis 119). This article makes a lot of good points about how British women were involved in missionary work in India in Victorian times and explains their role in their society, both at home and abroad. It’s interesting to note that the Indian women were perhaps kept back because of the influence of these women on their culture, instead of being converted. Work Cited Haggis, Jane. â€Å"Ironies of Emancipation: Changing Configurations of ‘Women’s Work’ in the ‘Mission of Sisterhood’ to Indian Women. †Feminist Review 65 (2000): 108-126. JSTOR. 5 Feb. 2007.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Reading Summary of Privacy
Monica. Liu March 1, 2013 Reading Summary: â€Å"Privacy†by Deborah G. Johnson This article is written by Deborah G. Johnson, on page 204-214, the author mainly talks about the following points: First, in the first part, the author thinks that once people begin to have interest in using the information of individual, privacy will exist. It points out that those who want information about individuals want it because they believe that it will help them to make better decisions and serve their customers better.Such views heavily distort in gathering and exchange of information, so people should make a more powerful case for protecting and ensuring privacy in the lives of individuals so that people will not feel uncomfortable about the amount of information that is gathered about them. Secondly, the author states privacy as an individual good in Personal Privacy part, which distinct privacy as an instrumental good and privacy as an intrinsic good. In Reframing the Computers and P rivacy Issue-Privacy as a Social Good part, it states privacy as a social good.In this part, it mentions two terms of autonomy and democracy. Once people lose the control of information about themselves, their autonomy will be reduced. And democracy is a kind of idea that citizens have the freedom to exercise autonomy. When privacy is as a social good, it is more important than efficiency and better consumer services. Thirdly, this article presents the importance of individual controlling and relationship establishing.The author considers individual controlling will effect on establishing a relationship with that individual and determining the character of the relationship, at the same time, it will influence the diversity of relationship. Once people lose control of information, it will reduce their ability to establish and influence the relationships they have and the character of those relationships. Finally, it points out several possible counterarguments: privacy only protects people who have something to hide; individuals in our society do have some power to control their relationships with private and public organizations.This article examines the issue from the perspective of business ethics on privacy in an effort to understand the unique privacy context of computer-based survey research. I agree with the author that reframing privacy as a social good is very important. As an important social good, privacy would be on part with other social goods such as law enforcement or government efficiency. Instead of a social good outweighing an individual good, it would be clear that we have two social goods at stake.In reframing the issue in this way, privacy would be more likely to be treated as equally important, if not more important, than other social goods. In such way, people can live in a democratic society with autonomy. Meanwhile, we should have a standard to control our privacy to others, because privacy is the fundamental pre-condition to establish relationship with others. If you keep your privacy seriously, you will be isolated by the society. On the contrary, if you lose the control of your private information, you won’t set up relationships with others either.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Professionals Paid To Much
Ever since contracts began in professional sports the price of athletes has continued to rise. So why are athletes worth so much? And where does all the money come from? It is all about the revenue, a team’srevenue determines how much they can pay their players. Athletes deserve their pay because they aresome of the hardest working people and are the cornerstone of a business that makes billions of dollars. ` ` Athletes are some of the highest people not only in the United States but possibly in the world. But it hasn’t always been that way.When contracts in professional sports first began athletes were barely making enough to pay for their meals. They were paid in the area of twenty dollars a week. Even though that was in the early 1900’s it still wasn’t much. And ever since the sports entertainment industry became popular around that time period salaries skyrocketed. For example, in the 1920’s legendary baseball player Babe Ruth earned more in one year than the president of the U. S. at the time. Since then athletes have been taking the money and running with it. ` ` Athletes are paid so much because they are the focal point of these multi-billion dollar industries.Their success determines the success of the wholeteam’sfranchise, and if the team doesn’t have any success they’ll be no money for anyone to make. Although it may not seem like it, professional athletes are some of the hardest working people around, not only physically but mentally as well. They put their bodies through vigorous training and deserve every penny they earn. Although anathlete’sseason is only a couple of months out of the year, they don’t just start getting ready a couple of weeks before the start of the season. They train year round to keep their bodies in shape. They work six to seven days a week for up to fifteen hours a day.Vacations are rare; they don’t get much time off, and they are always in the publi c eye, which can be quite stressful. They maintain their bodies so that they are able to compete at the highest level possible. They do this to ensure that when game time comes they are physically able to perform for the fans, which is their main goal besides winning, to keep ratings high and maintain their high priced salaries without question. ` ` Teams can afford to pay their players so much because the sports industry is a 90 billion dollar industry and athlete’s incomes are only five percent of that.This is so because as each team gains more and more success the value of that team goes up and when the team’s value is up, they attract more media attention which results in more fans. More fans means more money spent on tickets, team apparel, and concessions during the game. Sports are a form of entertainment, and when people are entertained they continue to be interested, and show their support by attending games or watching them on television or listening by radio: ` The beauty of it is that the service of sports can be consumed by more than one individual per unit time.Think about it, a stadium of people watching A-Rod consumes his service at the same time, which means his service is available to thousands of people in unison. Factor in television and you’ve got a service available to millions of people all at once (Reece). This is relevant becauseunlike athletes most jobs do not provide a service to millions of people so their not going to be paid as if they are. And since a team can provide a service to so many people they can pay their players as much as possible.` Unfortunately, sometimes teams do not always have the success they want from their players, and have to search for new ones to get the job done. So what can teams do to make them selves more likely to win? â€Å"Perhaps the primary way is to employbetter player talent†(Doc). Having better players improves your chances of winning, and winning leads to larger team r evenue, sothat better players can continue to be signed making the team much better. ` ` The effects of paying athletes too much can become an issue because athletes are realizing that they can earn more money than they ever thought could.Each time a player’scontract is up, they are either traded, released or renegotiate a new contract. Most of the time during negotiations athletes will demand more money than the team is willing to pay, because they know if they stick to what they want they will eventually get it. Players will go to extreme measures to obtain a sizeable contract, to the extent that they will holdout. Meaning they separate themselves from the team. Causing them to miss mandatory meetings, practices, and team functions, which are critical to a team’s success.Some holdouts even go into the sports season, causing them to miss games, all which the player is fined thousand of dollars for. When it goes as far as that, some players will start to criticize the team’s management in the media causing even more of a problem. These holdouts cause friction with team management, coaches, player’s and affect the team directly. This is why some believe that athletes are spoiled and undeserving of the money their paidand should not be looked up to. Anderson says that, â€Å"The off fieldbehavior of many athletes allegedly demonstrates that we should not be paying great sums of money to people who are not proper rolemodels for our children†. Anderson is one of many who feel that way about athletes, and will not be the last person to address the subject. ` Yes, professional athletes and actors are paid to much. Professional athletes and actors get paid a substantial amount of money for one game, or movie. While our men and women in the United States Military are struggling to feed their families.It is a sad commentary on our societal values that these entertainers are taking in seven million dollars a years or more. While teache rs, police officers, and firefighters make less than one percent of the income of some athletes and actors. Even if an athlete or actor is having a bad seaon they still recieve there contract ensured pay. Although some people would say, â€Å"There is a long and tough way towards becoming a great and the famous sports star or movie star. It not only requires persistent efforts but also talent. Few people on this field could accomplish great things like them.As a reward, they deserve a higher compensation. †On other hand, a Staff Sergeant (E6) in the United states Army makes an average of $28,285 a year. These are men and women on the front line difending our Country. They are not acting on a telivision show or playing a game. Professional athletes and actors should not be paid more than our men and women who fight for our Country. If a soldiers gets hurt his or her's pay is almost cut in half. If a professional athlete gets hurt they are still paid an overly substantial amou nt of money.When an actor gets sicks they will put the film they are making on hold. While the actor still is getting paid millions of dollars. The work professional athletes and actors do may be hard, but just for our entertainment it is not worth the price they a paid. The amount of money they make every year is ridiculous. Our soldiers do not get paid half of what an actor or a profession athlete do. In conclusion yes professional athletes and actors are paid to much. Now ill tell you why they should be payed so much. movie and sports stars certainly are under a great deal of pressure.The first pressure is that they are always at risk of injuries and also accidents. movie studios and sports teams get a large amount of money from their stars’s work. Filmmakers get money from the sale of movie tickets, while spectators have to pay money to watch a sports match. In fact, there is a high difference between the revenue of producer and the money that actors are paid. For example , Mission Impossible 4, a movie released in 2011, had grossed nearly $700,000,000 worldwide (Box Office Mojo Online). However, the main actor – Tom Cruise was paid only $12,000,000 (Statistic Brain Online, 2012).Not only that but also the star’s trademark brings a great deal of value to sponsors. Some stars become advertising tools of their teams or their companies, whereas some others share their royalty images with the owners. An example is that Cristiano Ronaldo, a soccer star, who gets $30 million each year in various endorsements, has to agree to a 6:4 split of this money with his club – Real Madrid (Jamie Sanderson, 2012). Therefore, if movie and sports stars thrust a lot of money on their managements, it will be not fair if they get paid less.
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Cartography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Cartography - Essay Example Consequently, the capability of maps to visualize geographical information and the geo-spatial patterns, has made them to prominent in the GIScience study and process.  It was Goodchild who authored the concept of GIScience around the year 1992. He described GIScience as a Discipline of Science dealing with GIS technology and the obstructions affecting the scientific representation of geo spatial data.  Experts further elaborated on this concept and described the function of GIScience as addressing the fundamental research principles forming the basis of GIS. It was also sought to be explained as application of GIS to solve scientific problems. From the research point of view, there is justification to conclude that visual representation of GIS data is a major concern of GIScience. These perceptions about the GIScience were further stretched by the books and journals which appeared during the beginning phase of the Sc ience. Maps aid in visual thinking and it would be logical to conclude that GIScience is the application of scientific methodology through maps to the research on GIS. While GIS attempts to represent Geo- spatial data in a methodical, and an intelligible manner through maps, GIScience attempts to address the problems arising in doing so, and further provides reference basis to interpret information represented in maps. GIScience thus studies spatial representations in maps, map analysis and accuracy in map applications, map visualization, and other similar queries regarding use of maps for the benefit of the society. The significance of maps in the GIScience has automatically overlapped the traditional disciplines that deal with the Earth’s complete geographical study and environment. Further, the use of maps in GIS is not restricted to the above mentioned subjects, but they also deal with IT Cognitive Sciences besides dealing into artificial intelligence. W hile it affects each of these sciences, GIScience and maps are not central to any of them. It is by itself a new kind of Collaborative Science involving researchers from diverse backdrops working mutually to resolve related problems. These problems being scientific in character and are also related to resource management, commerce, and administration, (Andrienko, and Andrienko, 1999)..  Referring to maps, they were the first tools to be used for representing, synthesizing, analyzing and interpreting geographical data. The rise of Geographical Information Systems has encouraged these functions further. The rigours and elaborate labour associated with the production of maps has now been reduced and there is the added convenience of being able to produce numerous versions of a map from different view points, just by clicking a specific option button or a click of the mouse. Experts haves cited the proliferation of maps, as a result of the emergence of the Internet and the Wor ld Wide Web (WWW). It may be argued also that the quality of such instant maps is no match to the product of the cartographer’s precise and painstaking labour, (Frerichs, 20001). Experts may argue that the precise and laborious map is not always a necessity for a quick grasp of a
Monday, August 12, 2019
Set of Codes and Ethics in the Profession Assignment
Set of Codes and Ethics in the Profession - Assignment Example There is also a notion that ethics evolve over time with respect to the problems that professionals face and with the establishment of ethics there is a promotion of confidence in the profession. In its Code of Ethics the American College of Nurse-Midwives it is states that â€Å"midwives support and maintain the integrity of the profession of midwifery and thus contribute to a profession worthy of being considered by society as a public good†(Midwife). Ethics can also help to solve any price stated ethical or moral dilemma that one might face (Husted and Husted, 2008). As a professional in the field of midwifery there have been moments where there is a certain ethical/legal situation that one comes across and does not know how to deal with (Frith and Draper, 2004). At times patients divulge certain facts about their lives and health that, they wish others not to know and expect that they be kept a secret from others. Such facts may well be of such a nature that it becomes di fficult not to discuss them with others for the fear of the safety of the patient. A situation similar to what I was confronted with when a 28 year old Russian woman in her twelfth week of pregnancy came for her booking appointment. A registered midwife was supervising the booking which I was doing at that particular time. was Once the booking had begun the midwife told me that she had to step out of the room for some time and told me to carry on with my work. Once the midwife had left the room the woman who had come in started to disclose to me that she was a victim of domestic abuse at the hands of the man who was now her ex. The woman had told me this information in confidence and requested that I keep it as such and not tell anyone else what she had told me, especially not the midwife. She even requested that I not make a note of it anywhere in the documents. I tried to make her understand that though I would keep the conversation between us a secret, I still needed to inform my superior of the facts upon which she begged me not to. I was in the process of asking her questions about whether she felt safe when the midwife returned to the room and the conversation ceased and I resumed the booking. During the time the woman remained in the room I said nothing to the midwife about the disclosure of domestic violence that the woman had made. Once the woman took her leave I told the midwife what the woman had told me upon which she said to leave the matter the way it was for now. I had concerns about the situation the woman was in and it seemed to me that there should have been a referral and support given to her. I was trying to support the woman into getting herself some support and perhaps break free from the violence that she was in. by telling my supervising midwife I was hoping that something would be done to help the situation the young woman was living in or she would be shown other routes that would help her cause. Nothing was done for her who made it d ifficult for me as I had thought otherwise. It is not clear what the consequences of the decision to sit by and do nothing were that day but they may not have been well received.Â
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