Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Online Travel Industry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Online go Industry - Essay ExampleIn the US and Europe, the leading online travel intermediaries pack taken foodstuff share from their offline counterparts. At the same time, an increase in direct sales through travel suppliers have websites has also affected the traditional office staff cable.The need to balance direct and indirect channels, demand for light cost distribution and the growth in popularity of likeness shopping are all factors driving the business model for travel specific search engines globally.It is interesting to note that the online travel market is divided into both discussion sections leisure/unmanaged business travel and managed business travel (also known as corporate travel). The online booking mien of unmanaged business travelers is indistinguishable from leisure travelers. Employees of the millions of small- and medium-sized corporations use the same websites as leisure travelers to book their business travel. thence these two groups of buyers are treated as one customer segment.Study Method It is a denary research based on online consumer surveys, executive surveys and market forecast models to provide essential analysis of consumer trends and market best practices, including customer segmentation and cross-selling strategies.Study Findings The needs of travelers vary widely from one generation segment to another although many travel marketers are unable to plan for the specific promotional strategies to meet the lucid needs of the different generations. Among the biggest generational differences in online behavior areYoung move arounders are an online agencys best helpConsumers of age group 18-24 spend more time on agency sites than any other generations and they have attraction for the flashy marketing campaigns of online agencies.77% of 18-24 year old travelers use more than one agency sites. The average traveler in this age group will visit 1.7 agency sites, the highest of any generational segment.From the above graph we can clearly observe that there is an increasing trend of the younger travelers for visit online travel agencies than the older ones.Seniors prefer booking directlySeniors (65+) overwhelmingly favor bookings flights and hotels directly on supplier sites that offer low-rate guarantees and other perksNearly 80% of the flights booked online by this generation are made at carrier sites, and 68% of hotel bookings are placed directly at chain sites, compared to lows of 72% and 58% for 25-34 years oldBaby Boomers have an appetite for contentBaby Boomers (45-64) view the travel contents online for comparison when in-market for a trip.40% of the content viewed is at online travel agencies, giving aggregators an advantage in influencing this segment as they research online.Study Implication The travel companies must do the effective market research to repair online strategies to profit from this growing channel and increase the substantial share of the travel revenue.Personal Refle ction Online Travel marketers should develop contents, services, and promotions targeting specific age groups that will be ideally positioned to manage their online distribution strategies

Monday, April 29, 2019

Creating the Myth Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Creating the Myth - Essay ExampleCreating the MythMyths argon common stories at the root of our universal existence.(Seger 356-364) Meaning that these stories have been told since mankind first began to tell stories. As different as they may be in appearance, we all have a familiarity that could be called comforting. They speak to a let on of us. It is aroundthing that house connect each and every one of us regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, religion, or geographic location, because it is in some authority a part of all people all over the world. It is called The Heros Journey It is present in our stories, fairytales, ritual, but it is part of our general psychological development as individuals, as well.(Vogel) The Heros Journey follows the central figure of the story. The hero is an archetype that stands as a representation, in most cases, of what is good. (Oracle ThinkQuest) We will then follow the hero through his adventures, quests, trials and tribulations, through love a nd press release all in hopes of seeing the hero succeed in the end. Star Wars, in particular, is a completed example of The Heros Journey and the central character of Luke Skywalker is the perfect example of the hero archetype. He is normal. His life is simple. He dreams of more. In meeting his mentor in the desert he finds his guide in starting his quest. His whole world changes, literally in his case as he does, in fact, furnish his home planet behind. He meets amazing characters and gains greater power. We see ourselves in the hero. We all want to be that person of average, humble beginnings intended for greater things. All the disappointments and pitfalls of our lives are just road blocks on the way to our destiny. Someday we will all get to blow up the Death Star. The hero archetype can present itself in many ways. Not every hero is automatically an easy hero as Luke Skywalker. The Thematic Paradigm shows that the hero in a story, are people that possess completely antagon ist traits.(Ray 342-351) Meaning that the character may be a mobster who tenderly sings to his houseplants. Two sides in the kindred person, light and dark, and little good and a little bad all at once. This makes their behavior not as easy to predict. Ray, also, explains that there is more than one kind of hero. The bad, bad, boy template, which can be seen in the ShowTime series Dexter, follows the story of a main character who happens to be a serial killer. like a shot Luke Skywalker is an example of the traditional good, good boy representation. (3) Meaning simply, that he is the white knight, just and moral. But, the character of Han Solo, who is basically a gambling mercenary, is considered the reluctant hero.(3) He is capable of being heroic, but it will take some pushing in the right direction in order for him to overcome his more selfish nature. Myths are marketable (Seger 356-364) This is clearly true. The majority of, what would be called blockbusters are movies that h ave made their way into modern tillage and have always followed The Heros Journey

Sunday, April 28, 2019

War in Afghanistan Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

War in Afghanistan - Research Paper ExampleThat is what the point of this inquiry is to find out how relevant the war really is today.II. Subjects for Study jibe to Hersh (2004), A report for the unify Nations Development Program...stated that the nation was in danger of once again becoming a terrorist breeding ground if they did non live more development aid (p. 145).This paper entrust basically focus upon 30 individuals. The number thirty is chosen because that is a statistically significant number.The subjects which are most likely to be chosen pull up stakes believably be a mixture. People will be from different ethnic backgrounds.People to be postdateed will be from different races. They will be, most likely, from the city and the suburbs.People to be surveyed will be married, single, and divorced. Ages of survey participants will range from 18 years to 80 years, on average.No one and only(a) younger than 18 will be surveyed due to respectable considerations, which w ill be discussed more in the next section. Additionally, it is probably highly likely that no one over age 80 will be surveyed due to the fact that there might not that many older people to survey.Basically, people are tone ending to be asked those three questions. A survey will be given. The results will be tallied. The research will be presented in the form of graphs.III. Ethical ConsiderationsThe ethical considerations of the research are many. The interviewer will have to wee sure that it is okay with the people being interviewed to be asked these opinions.Additionally, people might feel frustrated with the war. According to Schroen (2005), The debate go along over the fate of Kabul and how to deal with... According to Hersh (2004), A report for the joined Nations Development Program...stated that the nation was in danger of once again becoming a terrorist breeding ground if they did not buzz off more development aid (p. 145).No one younger than 18 will be surveyed due to e thical considerations, which will be discussed more in the next section. Additionally, it is probably highly likely that no one over age 80 will be surveyed due to the fact that there might not that many older people to survey.Additionally, people might feel frustrated with the war. According to Schroen (2005), The debate continued over the fate of Kabul and how to deal with the Northern Alliance. The lack of focus in the main bombing sweat was of concern, becauseefforts to date seemed to be having little impact on the Taliban forces and their willingness and ability to fight (p. 302).The way the Taliban came to power is a complex issue. According to Rashid (2000), between 1994 and the capture of Kabul in 1996, the Talibans decision-making process was to change and become highly centralized, secretive, dictatorial, and inaccessibleMoreover after 1996, the Taliban made known their desire to become the sole rulers of Afghanistan without the participation of other groups (p. 95).Accor ding to Fiscus (2004), Americas great problem was finding targets in Afghanistan.

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Application of strategic planning in an organization Case Study

Application of strategical planning in an organization - Case Study subjectStrategic planning is an organizational process of laying out strategies and making fine-grained decisions on mental imagery allocation towards achieving the goals of the organization. A strategically managed organization defines its prospects in the future by grimaceing at its accredited position and implementing changes through perfectly structured procedures. It requires an understanding of the current position of the business and the possible slipway through which it can visits the organizational goals. Most organizations use their missions and visions to determine the strategies required to achieve that its objectives and stimulate conjunction to the vision and strategic plan. The ability of organization to execute its strategic plans is therefore directly affected by its ability to understand and make a clear exhibit of the strategy to the employees, shareholders and managers of the organizatio n. For most organizations, it is valuable to build a successful tool for implementing and managing the overall business strategy. This calls for the development of a balanced scorecard and applying the apprehension of strategic chromosome mapping in the aligning the organizations units. A balanced scorecard is a business presentation model that allows the organization to relate its financial and non-financial aspects for strategic planning of the business goals and prospects. Present day organizations find out it increasingly difficult to remain competitive because the strategies used and the business issues change constantly whereas the tools for measuring the long suit of these strategies record very minimal change. Many organizations use tools that measure success based on discernible assets whereas constant changes in technology dictate that all business units be linked together to meet the principals of strategic management. A balanced scorecard can be used to link the intangible asset and the tangible assets and help eliminate most of the challenges faced by modern day organizations. The scorecard concept is construct upon good design guidelines for the business units to describe and implement their strategies by mapping strategic objectives into performance in different perspectives which include internal processes, customers, finance and learning and growth. These perspectives provide relevant feedback on the progress of the strategic plan of any given organization so that adjustments and efficient changes can be made where necessary. In addition to measuring the current performance of the organization towards meeting its goals, a Scorecard evaluates the firms efforts for future cash advance based on its progress in terms of profit creation and provision of satisfactory good to its customers. It signifies a quantitative and qualitative performance and multidimensional balance between the firms short-term and long-term objectives, financial a nd non-financial measures, lagging and leading indicators, and the internal and external performance. Strategy maps display the qualitative measures such as employee satisfaction, consumer loyalty and corporate mission that transform a balanced scorecard from performance measuring stick to a performance management tool that is strategically driven. By using strategy maps of cause and effect, intangible assets can be manipulated combined with other assets for value addition to produce goods and services that meet the consumers inescapably and demands. Strategy maps illustrate the transformation of intangible assets into tangible consumer products and provide a strategic framework to look into a value creation strategy in the internal business process. The strategy map project of a Scorecard presents the organizations strategy with a series of linked objectives that explain the important priorities for the organization. It also holds specific measures that represent expected level of success and strategic initiatives for the organization. The concept of strategy mapping can be explained and implemented in an organization by taking into

Friday, April 26, 2019

Discrimination Of The African Americans Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Discrimination Of The African Americans - Essay ExampleHowever, the development in gray part of America has been slow due to the presence of the ethnic group of African American. They ar the plurality who confront dominance and low status in the nation due to their skin color. They have been strip of various rights affecting their social and economic position1. The life of the people in this period has been was different and the amenities received depended a lot on their ethnicity and race. In this essay, the history and life of the African American ar depicted who ar facing challenges since 1877. In the year 1928, the life of the native people and the African Americans is unalike due to the presence of strong governance giving rise to inequality and a lack of self-consciousness along with respect. In the current situation i.e. 1928, as an undergraduate student at Howard University, the perceived highs and lows of African Americans are being explored with the argument in betw een the period of 1877 to 1928. The African Americans live majorly in the southeastern and the prevailing challenging situation in the nation is affecting the lives of farmers. The mull overs that are provided to the people of higher ranks are in the mines, tobacco, and ores. The blacks are deprived of every facility even if they have the potential than the whites. The educated blacks are positioned under the whites in order to suppress them. The position of the blacks although large in number is suppressed by the whites-only because of their color. Moreover, the women of the African American origin are forced to work for the whites as slaves. This is one of the low points faced by African Americans since 1877. This implies that according to the whites, the skin color is the only criteria for the people to get a job and status in the society irrespective of the fact the person has enormous potential2.

Thursday, April 25, 2019

The main purpose of a prison sentence is to punish Research Paper

The main purpose of a prison house sentence is to punish - Research Paper ExampleThe price of crime is a time- erupt of humankind bearing, the cost of having acted against the interests of the people of a city, state or nation. Because the definition of punishment has become rolled into close to sort of benefit to the future, it no longer serves its true purpose. There are good reasons that rehabilitation is include in the goals of the state in approaching the consequences of crime. However, prison is punishment, but as it has been confused with other elements of the legal expert system, the social identity of prison has become a poor infusion of too many ideas that are not being hearty managed. The reason that this topic is being discussed in this essay is that other compensations should be in place for victims and should be used in order to rehabilitate, but because these concepts have been rolled into the prison system, no(prenominal) of the goals of internment are being fully reached and that is leaving the public vulnerable to future crimes. harmonise to Brinkerhoff et al (2008), there are four reasons to punish retribution, prevention, deterrence, and reform (p. 136). However, none of these concepts are part of the definition of punishment. ... 124). Both of these definitions, however, are centered on what they mean for the future. Punishment, according to the dictionary, is the penalty for doing something wrong. In confusing the purpose and definition of punishment with a product that benefits society or the future means that its purpose has become convoluted with multiple opinions and purposes that create long, drawn out sentences that do not serve the purposes of anyone in the process. According to DeLisi and Conis (2010), to thirds of the prisoners released from prison testament recidivate within three long time of their release (p. 236). This decreases after a five year prison term, but that is correlated to offenders aging out of their c rime rather than because prison has had the effect of deterrence or rehabilitation. There is no real licence that prison has any effect on recidivism (Delisi and Conism, 2010, p. 236). Prisons are also a breeding ground for qualification offenders more disillusioned about society and for creating a focus on criminal life. In neglecting incarceration as a cost for a crime and imposing long sentences in the belief that it will lower crime rates, society has created breeding grounds for individuals who have little hope in having a positive contribution to society after time in prison. In trying to create a identity for prison as a place to find rehabilitation, deter and prevent crime, as well as provide retribution, none of these goals are being met. There has been a concerted effort, through axial motion all of these concepts together, to best serve society. According to Blakely (2005), rehabilitation is concerned with the long-termed success of the inmate (p. 10). Marx has suggest ed that bourgeois life has become consumed with the idea of cost

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Dopamine transporter phosphorylation site threonine 53 regulates Research Paper

Dopamine transporter phosphorylation site threonine 53 regulates substratum reuptake and amphetamine-stimulated efflux - Research Paper Example(29702). Activities that lead to the reuptake of DAT are essential for the functionality of the dopaminergic neurons. Dopaminergic disorders, for instance, schizophrenia and depression among others may come about as a result of dysregulation of the transport of DAT, which causes an variety of dopamine.Commonly abused substances including drugs such as cocaine and amphetamine are often targeted by DAT. In addition, therapeutic agents that treat dopamine complications are also targeted by DAT. Specifically, AMPH and its congeners induce multiple short-term and long effects on DAT. The mechanism behind the efflux is related with transporter-generated currents. Various techniques have been used to pay back the precise phosphorylation site of DAT. It has been established that that a recombinant peptide containing N-terminal residues 165 of rDAT underwent phosphorylation outside living tissues in the straw man of proline-guided kinases. It was also established that the precise phosphorylation site in heterologously expressed protein was a threonine residue, which was located at bunk 53. However, it was vital to ascertain the phosphorylation site using other techniques.The researchers in this paper aimed at determining the aim of dopamine transporter phosphorylation site threonine 53 on the reabsorption of the substrate and amphetamine-triggered efflux Foster et al. (29702). The researchers guard use of mass spectrometry and a novel antibody that is specific to phosphates to ascertain the presence of DAT phosphorylation at Thr53 in striatal tissue obtained from rodents as well as heterologous expression systems.Cell culture and dopamine transporter mutagenesis was done using Lewis carcinoma cells that were stably expressing WTrDAT (rDAT-LLCPK) (31) or T53A or T53D rDAT and were maintained in alpha negligible essential m edium. Dulbeccos modified

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Economics - Entrepreneur Case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Economics - Entrepreneur Case study - Essay pillow slipThis position has further been corroborated by the event that Peter Druker described establishment as the specific range of entrepreneurship thus the first sign of the fact that Sid is an entrepreneur is the fact that he is an innovator- a person who invented something to bring up the flexibility of working within roofing industry. The so called Rail is typical example of the fact that entrepreneurs atomic number 18 always technically savvy persons. Creating capital is often considered as the most important activity performed by the entrepreneur (Thompson, 1999) and the fact that the assumptions made by Sid to capture 1% of the market is indicating towards the fact that he is divergence to start the creation of capital which would further increase his business as well as employing new(prenominal) persons to create further employment opportunities.However, what is most important to note here is the fact that just innovatio n may not be sufficient until and unless it is not backed up by the certain characteristics as well as motivations of the entrepreneur. Creativity is considered as one of the biggest motivators for the entrepreneurs to continue to carry on activities which are not only creative in nature but similarly have the potential to be economically successful. (Mosakowski, 1998). The so called ladder rail of Mr. Sid is an example of how creativity has been the chief source behind the fact that he continued to work on his creative ideas despite a negative response from his company. Thus from this perspective, it is also clear and evident that Mr. Sid is an entrepreneur.Finally, perseverance is the key in entrepreneurship. It helps entrepreneurs to keep going even in the fact of difficulties. This allows them to have the necessary motivational drive to keep pursuing their dreams as once an entrepreneur make up taking a chance than it become difficult to retract from the position and that is w hat Mr. Sid showed. Despite reduction in the sales prices offered by the major buyers, the

Monday, April 22, 2019

Windows Upgrade Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Windows Upgrade Report - Essay illustrationXP is termed a real operating system capable of working on a separated temper giving maximum benefits in terms of server features for home and office use.Windows 7 came to live in 2009 as a replacement for Window XP. The Edition was designed for business, home and desktop use. The graphic features meliorate those of XP and implored the 3D. The super bar improved the architecture of the task bar with better coding scheme for blatant access. In addition to Windows Media player, the new revolutionary Windows Movie Maker and Windows Photo Gallery updated the media segment (Er. Vivek Sharma, 2013).Windows 7 is available in many versions and present different features. Windows 7 is available in Starter, Premium, opening, Professional and Ultimate. A user has a choice of these versions according to their needs.The system adopted higher requirement specifications than those of XP. Windows 7 is characterized by 64-bit and 32-bit architecture wit h 64-bit 1 GHz processor. The minimum RAM size mandatory is 2GB with a lowest get along of 20 GB hard disc. The 32-bit architecture has a RAM requisite of 1GB. This is the disadvantage with Windows 7 if the live hardware does not suite the requirements. Another issue is that Windows XP is not easily upgraded to Windows 7.Window 7 Enterprise has a number of features that minimizes cost for the business user. necessitate Access is one such feature. Like the Direct Access, Branch cache is another application in Windows 7 that can be utilized unneurotic Windows server 2008 to improve the speed of extracting data from remote locations by caching the information in the intranet or the meshwork the scratch line time it is requested. Other advancements include VDI, App locker, Federated search and Language Pack (Abraham Silberschatz, 2013).Windows 8 was first released for manufacturing on August 2012 and is an extension of the 6.2 version of the Windows NT Kernel. The new

A report on the care programme approach (CPA) within NHS Essay

A handle on the care programme approach (CPA) within NHS - Essay ExampleThe scope of this report is to quantify relevant Government initiatives in taking wellnesscare policies forward, with particular reference to the CPA to serve as a basis for improved service planning for the future.The Government in 1999, brought out a text file named Effective co-ordination in Mental Health Services A policy booklet modernising the Care political platform Approach. One of the observations made this is that Mental illness places demands on services that no one discipline or agency can meet alone. (2) This led to recognition of the need for a system to effectively align health, social care and related services to work in harmony to the benefit of the service user. (2 ibid)A major milestone that accelerated the pace of integrated health care service delivery was the publishing of a innocence paper named Our health, our care, our say a new direction for community services, (3) in January 2006 . This White paper sets the baseline for healthcare services in the country for the future.This report aims to bring out an estimate on the implementation of strategies, objectives and goals relating to healthcare underpinned in various Government initiatives to make the CPA for mental health services more result oriented. This aim is accomplished through with(predicate) a critical study of documents released by the Government from time to time, on implementation of the policies and programmes and on monitoring these and accomplishments reported.The findings entangle understanding of the policies initiated in 1991 through significant reforms brought out on the CPA since 1999, taking forward the initial policies, formulation of National standards on mental health and various other reforms that influenced the healthcare Sector as a whole. Documents researched particularly include reviews of the progress and effectiveness of the policies programmes and initiatives and improvements a ccomplished.People of working age have a mental health

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Positive Impact of Banning Smoking in Public Places Essay - 1

Positive Impact of Banning Smoking in prevalent Places - Essay ExampleBasically, smokers have the right to continue heater despite the adverse health consequences of smoking whereas non-smokers have the right for a clean air each time they go to public places resembling restaurants, malls, and offices. Given that the local government banned smoking in public places, a lot of businesses rigorously prohibit the smoking of cigarettes within their working environment and offices. In line with the banning of smoking in public places, three major reasons will be presented in order to convince the readers why I strongly support the governments legislation on making smoking illegal in public areas. My auntie who lives in another town died at a very young days due to second-hand smoking. She is one of the closest relatives I have considered since we shared a common interest in photography. I have never seen my auntie smoke. Since she has al manners been with friends who smoke at least tw o packs of cigarettes a day, her life became in danger. Because of the close relationship I had with my auntie, I spent almost every virtuoso day with her while she was confined at the hospital. Personally, I have seen how she suffered physically from a lung cancer. Due to her awful faith, the researcher strongly supports the banning of smoking in public places. Similar incidence recently happened to my outgo friends father. My best friends father is currently undergoing chemotherapy due to second-hand smoking he gets each day from his workplace. Aside from the financial burden the chemotherapy brings to my best friends family, there is even a risk that they would lose the head of their family. Similar to all stories related to what happens to patients with smoking habits, my sister who is a nurse told me a lot of smokers are unable to quit smoking despite knowing the health consequences of smoking. She said that patients with lung cancer often experience difficulty in breathing . The fact that there is no way to replace the lungs increases the risk of patients with chronic lung cancer to die.

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Cost Accounting and Cost Accounting System Assignment

Cost Accounting and Cost Accounting System - Assignment Example2008).The close important feature of a cost chronicle system is the regularity with which pertinent cost education is provided to users. There are two types of cost accounting systems the job narrate cost and process order systems. Job order cost system operates by provides I cost information in paying attention to each quantity of product/ service in batches. It is mostly applicable in factories with wide contour of product/service lines e.g. accounting firms and apparel manufacturing industry.Secondly, process order cost system refers to the process of accumulating cost by department or process in a factory. It is applicable mostly in cases of regular productions such as oil refineries and food processing industries. Several companies use both types of cost accounting systems due to the diversity of their product/services pressing and the need for a cost system that provides relevant decision making information. In addition, it enhances flexibility and accuracy contributing to a more effective operable and strategic

Friday, April 19, 2019

Adult Training in Canada Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Adult Training in Canada - Article ExampleStandard of living depends on the skills of the labor force. Thus, any nations economy depends upon the skills that the labor force possesses. precept and training argon lifetime activities related to the working go only it is difficult to evaluate the training decisions based on the craft hertz as there are many other factors that square up the training decisions. As labour market conditions improve it becomes essential to train the workforce. Training is influenced by the business cycle. As business activity increases hiring besides has to increase because businesses require more staff. The staff also needs to be trained and hence as employers add staff they also undertake to train the staff. However, the opportunity speak to in training the staff is higher in a robust economy and this can overcome the incidence of training. However these are counterbalancing influences which make it difficult to relate training to business cycle. A sodding(a) study would entail examining the entire workings of the Canadian economy which is a long-drawn process. The authors decided to restrict their research to evaluate whether the AETS instru ments provide a consistent explanation of training incidence and length for both men and women. Overall pedagogy train increased between 1992 and 1998 and more women opted for university degree. Several factors suggest that training too should have increased during this period. Based on the human detonator model training should increase. Besides, between 1994 and 1998 business activity and employment rose, and this also is an indicator of rise in training. However, an aging population would imply reduce training levels. Besides, entropy analysis revealed changes in several factors that influence training levels. As the education level rose, people became more urban. Lifestyle changed resulting in delayed marriages and late children men keeping out of trade unionism and preferring to be in employment rather than be self-employed. Men preferred to work for larger but private firms while women preferred the public sector. All these make it difficult to deduce the training duration and incidence based on the economy and business cycles. This gives rise to the query as to what factors influence an single to undertake training. The authors draw a parallel between the human capital and the physical capital. Just as the stock and quality of physical capital comprising of machinery, equipment and computers can be augmented through investments, human capital too can be upgraded through training activities. Adults may undertake training for various reasons. This could campaign from a simple desire to upgrade skills after an absence from job market to desire for career advancement. Participation in training can occur at all stages in the life cycle of an individual. Thus, based on these probabilities, this study evaluated the factors that influence training decision. It further describes the incidence of training activity during the nineties among adult Canadians who were not part- or full-time students in any education program. The study is based on a core model of human capital accumulation over the life cycle. Various factors that influence training participation and duration were taken as the variables in this study. These include age, job tenure, hours worked and past education level. The control variables included in the study were sex, family circumstances, region of residence and firm size. Data pooled from 1992, 1994 and 1998 Adult Education and Training Surveys (AETS) were statistically analyzed. The AETS survey (1998) was the sixth in the series but for this study only the data from three surveys were compiled. The purpose of AETS was to measure participation rates for learning and training

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Software Engineering Exam Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

software Engineering Exam Questions - Essay ExampleISO 9000 describes quality assurance elements in generic terms that stern be applied to any business regardless of the products or services offered. ISO 9001 is the quality assurance stock(a) that is designed specially for the engineering products. In addition, this standard contains 20 requirements that must be present for an efficient quality assurance system. Because the ISO 9001 standard is applicable to all engineering disciplines, a special set of ISO guidelines that ISO 9000-3 bring on been developed to help interpret the standard for use in the software process. The requirements delineated by ISO 9001-3 calculate topics such as management responsibility, quality system, contract review, design control, document and data control, product realisation and traceability, process control, inspection and testing, corrective and preventive action, control of quality records, internal quality audits, training, servicing, and s tatistical techniques.The briny focus of agile software engineering approach is on the people as well as on the dynamics of their connections and communications, rather than on rigid software development and complex requirements planning procedures. A main idea encouraged by the agile policy is that people that can be customers, software developers or users and they form the foundations of the software development procedure.This is one of the clearest advantages of an agile approach rapid fiting helps you learn what you truly want and need because you can see actual results instead of intermediate results. If you are mental synthesis software, you can see a working system and get real concrete feedback about it. In addition, the users, consumers, and other stakeholders can participate more effectively in determining what you are building for them.The radical process structure of agile methods consists of the short cycles (iterations, sprints) of delivery of valuable

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Reflection and Critical Evaluation of Performance, Progress and Essay

reproval and Critical Evaluation of Per tierance, Progress and Learning - Essay ExampleWork stimulate can be of real value to individuals and to employers. However, in itself, such experience is not enough. It is the recognition of skills and awareness of the ferment consideration that is important (Work Experience Module n.d., p. 6). The workers who successfully complete this module will Set attainable goals for work experience Understand how the work is planned and deck upd at different stages Develop skills and capabilities to face challenges in the work Discover future employment opportunities Maintain a work place diary which describes and analyses experiences at workplace. Recognize equality problem connected to the workplace e.g. age, gender, sexual orientation, etc Competition for work experience placements has unendingly been severe. The best probable possibility of securing work lies in the quality of the people who approach the job. This requires a fiddling introduc tory email or letter, and CV to catch the attention of employers. This work based learning experience will help the employees to perform their job better, able to identify and evaluate where they went wrong, how to achieve the set standards, and what actions consider to be taken to improve the performance. Performance appraisal system will help evaluate the employees performance. social Skills Through work based learning, the employees can develop their interpersonal skills. The most common form of learning from other people takes the form of consultation and collaboration within the immediate working sort this may include teamwork, ongoing mutual consultation and support or observation of others in action. beyond the immediate work environment, people sought information and advice, from other people in their organization, from customers or suppliers or from wider professional networks (Eraut n.d., Interpersonal skills include Increased cooperative working relationships Working w ith others to efficiently solve conflicts Methods of Assessing Interpersonal Skills Include Personality inventories (e.g. MBTI), Interviews, 360 degree feedback, Assessment centers, peer evaluations of class projects. Assessment of interpersonal skill signifies an swop between organizational problem and behavioral evaluation. When evaluating the different methods to determine interpersonal skills, it is significant to take into deem the costs that have to be met by the organization. These expenses may comprise the idea to embellish or acquire, organize and manage the evaluation process. The progress of an interview is a simple job, but organizing individual interviews need time. some other forms of evaluation (360-degree feedback and evaluation centers), on the other hand, can frequently be troublesome, and they necessitate time to expand and manage. Therefore it is classified as high on administrative costs. The team-working skills provide the capability to work in teams, and t o make use of suitable interpersonal skills to make relationships with team members, colleagues and external stakeholders. Good teamwork releases group synergism so that the combined effect of individual contributions far exceeds the sum of their individual effects. There is mutual righteousness and togetherness amongst members of a well-knit team. The basic premise here is that individual contributions cannot be as good as all of us working together in a team (Leadership and Teamwork n.d.). Networking is an important part of any job search. It is the method of creating contacts for

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Simple Gift Essay Example for Free

Simple Gift look forThe novel the simple gift is written by Steven Herrick. He describes three main characters in this prevail. This book is about one 16 year old boy called nonicey, he run away from his folk and meets other main characters, Old Bill and Caitlin. Each of there characters received a gifts.truncheon is a 16 year old boy. In Billys life his catch is an alcoholic and is truly mean to him. Billy always wants someone who looks after him and then he can learn how to care. This became rightful(a) when he runs away from his father and meets Old Bill. Old Bill is like a loving father figure to him. So he considered the friendship with Old Bill as a gift. When he cincture in the carriage he felt that this is the home for him and Old Bill is his only family.Old Bill is an alcoholic man. He lost his wife and his daughter Jessie. Which makes him a hopeless man and he started drunkenness to getaway for the suffering (pg.9598)I lifted the glass and downed it in tone i gnorant gulp and I called for another as all thoughts of truth and beauty washed from my mind. Old Bill lives in a carriage. Even though he has his own house with a big backyard only when he still doesnt want to live in the house with no one else but himself active in it, with no one else care about him, even himself. This has changed when he met Billy. Every morning Billy brought him breakfast with a bowl of milk and Weet-Bix (pg.76) Every morning that kid has woken me with Weet-Bix., spent time talk of the town with him, and Billy also tried to stop him from drinking heavily. (pg.77, 136) This kids going to turn me into a health. He brought out the ginger beer I swore and laughed.Caitlin is nearly 18 year old. She works at McDonalds as a part time hob, to get out of her house (pg.3637)I can return home and thats why I work at McDonalds and mop floors. Shes rich, she had everything she wants but she needs a lover (pg.88) I know what I really need and its not in my bedroom. And its not able to be bought in any damn store. She wants to control a good time with someone she likes. When she met Billy, she had a romantic love experience. They shared food with all(prenominal) other and when she had a lover, her life was finished (pg.135)what can I say, it was like stepping into heaven, no less than perfect.Steven Herrick describes three main characters. Characters offered each other gifts and their gifts had changed each others future and are reservation their life perfect.

Third World and Children Essay Example for Free

Third World and Children EssayChildren be humans.With this denounce I want to start my assignment, because after having read the paper you will let on a deeper heart and soul in these words. on that point are many kinds of institutions who work under the umbrella of the unify Nations and fight for the flop of human. One of these types of institutions is the United Nations International Children Emergency Fund, shortened UNICEF.I chose to write about the UNICEF, because I would comparable to intermit my point of view about this formation. UNICEF is an weighty organization for the international cooperation surrounded by different countries. I think if in that location werent such an organization, peasantren had to baffle even more.Thither are a lot of electric shaverren who train service of process from UNICEF, precisely yet there are millions who are still have a bun in the ovening. It is of essential importance that there are such organizations who table s ervice the children in difficulties and suffer, especi both in ally now in the troika world countries.UNICEF offers help for children with difficult circumstances. In all parts of the world, for example Kosovo, Zambia, Colombia and Vietnam. UNICEF works in 189 countries and is one of the biggest UN-organizations. They give nation food, safety, water, help in illness and cultivation. I admire the work UNICEF is doing, especially for the children who have to suffer.History of the United Nations and UNICEFDecember 11th 1946. The World War II has just been ended and many cities and villages have been undo through bombings. On the farms non much was leavenn and most of the factories didnt produce, because there was a lot of suffering caused by the war. Also the stores were not open so there was not much food. Especially the children had to suffer of all this chaos.The United Nations was formed shortly after the war to try and create peace. Countries who joined this organization s ent their delegations to the Headquarters of UN. They came together to find a way for solutions for different kind of problems. The delegations worried that atomic number 63 may not recover of all the damages caused by the war if there could not be done anything about the situation of the children. In this year the delegations decided to set up a entrepot to help the children in Europe who had suffered from the World War II. This fund was called the UNRRA (United Nations Rehabilitation and Relief Administration). Later the command Assembly changed the account in UNICEF.The first delegations of the UNICEF started their work by providing blankets, milk and food. Also health over chance upon of the children was an grievous priority for them. Providing milk to the babies was necessary, because the factories in Europe were all closed. Milk became scarce and precious. The delegations took the responsibility to help as much as they could to prevent the hunger those days.UNICEF worked together with the local governance, help organizations and farmers to increase the milk production again. UNICEF strove that, when they left an area or country, the local population was able to hold on the milk production.In the year 1953 UNICEF operated worldwide and became an organization of development cooperation which was directed on helping m early(a) and child. In the sixties the help of UNICEF became more structured and emphasized the family, local community and the society as a whole. Moreover education received more attention.In the year 1989 the Conventions on the decentlys of the Child got accepted by almost all the UN-member countries. Only two countries (Somalia and the USA) didnt sign the accordance. All uprights of the child were mentioned in this distributey. These rights refer to all the children of the world, boys girls, black white, slimy rich. You can think of the right of growing up in afamily, right on egis against child labour and right to having a safe and healthy life. These kinds of rights in the treaty are the basic foundation for UNICEF. Article 45 of the treaty says that the organizations of the United Nations, interchangeable UNICEF itself, can sack governments so that there can be an administration where the child gets the first priority.1990 is the year when the World summit meeting for Children was held. The result of this event is an action syllabus for the children worldwide. In 2002 again such an event took place to see if the participated countries had reached their goals concerning the children. The result is negative. So the 189 countries who joined the World top for Children, accepted a new action plan including more than 20 goals for the next ten years.Conventions on the rights of the ChildThe main intent of UNICEF is to see that all children get the care and the education that they need for having a beneficial childhood. I still think that this target hasnt been obtained completely, because not all cou ntries stick to the rules which have been described in the United Convention of the Rights of the Child.As I said earlier, almost either UN-member country signed the treaty which refers to rights of children from all nationalities.The seven most important rights of the child, which have been reinforcered by the UNICEF have not been observed yet by all 189 countries. I will give my opinion on each of these rights.1. The right of equalityEquality means e real(prenominal) child deserves an equal word. But still I see a huge gap between the children who grow up in Asia/Africa and children in Europe/America. UNICEF strives that one day the gap will not be so big between these countries. I think that UNICEF has already done a darling job by supporting this right and make work of it. I besides believe that every childhas the right to plan his or her life in their own way to make it raise and active. A child deserves the same rights as his or her peer, no matter where they live. If w e enjoy a good life here in Europe, I think that the people in a poorer country deserve the same. Sometimes I experience I am lucky that I enjoyed my childhood with children from the same age. It is a sad fact that in a lot of countries children still can not enjoy this treatment of being equal to the ones in a rich country. I hope to see difference in this situation. UNICEF is encouraging authorities all over the world to observe this right.2. The right on special protectionUNICEF not only provides children with physical and mental protection but also with social development. For example, iodine is a chemical nutrient, which every human being needs for his health. When a pregnant woman in Africa with a lack of iodine gives birth to a child, then there is a big chance that the bodge will be handicapped. I consider this matter as a huge problem, as this influences the approaching of a lot of children.This right can give a special protection to these kind of children. UNICEF helps a lot of countries in Africa by providing salt added with iodine to prevent more handicapped newborns. This will give the children the opportunity to live a life in a worthy way. It is a step towards a future with perhaps a job and an enjoyable life.In all parts of the world, you will find millions of street-children, working children, war children and orphan children. These children need extra protection. UNICEF tries to get them out of the miserable life situation. alley children can go to a house where they can eat, drink, sleep and go to school.3. The right to have a name and nationalityWhen a child is born, then he/she should have an identity through a name and nationality. This right guarantees him to grow up in freedom and to developinto an adult. But yet there are children who may not sock the name of their parents or even whether their parents are alive or dead. This right, which the UNICEF also supports, gives every child the opportunity to have an identity. I see this right not as an important one, because I cannot place myself in this kind of situation. For children who dont carry the name of their father or mother, this right is a must. Anyway, I think that every child deserves this right. This right helps the children to be treated equally.4. Right to have food, topographic point and medical careHaving a home, food and medical care for both mother and child is a way to decrease the death rate among children. Malnourishment is a result of lack of proper food. I think this is a reason why so many children have to suffer. I even feel guilty at times when I think about the children who cannot even have one proper meal in a day, meanwhile I am having food which I like to eat. For example, a child in Sri Lanka has to work from morning till night to earn the money to stay alive.What if the child gets ill? Then he will not earn anything and will get weaker. He has no money for a normal medical care and no money for food. He has no other choice but to work while he is ill. I cannot imagine myself being so poor and hungry. Here, when I get a flu I refuse to go to college or work. And still I have food, home and medical care. It is sad that the child in Sri Lanka doesnt have the same choice like I do. UNICEF tries to change this situation. It supports projects which help countries by providing all kind of services, like giving food or a shelter to the orphans.5. Right to have special careWhen a child is psychically or mentally disabled, it should get special care. This right is not only meant for those who have the money for the special care, but also for those who cannot afford this. I think you can have the right of equality when you also backing this right in honour. If a child in a third world country has to suffer from a disability, it is not his fault. So I would say that the right to have special care is an pickax for them aswell.6. Right to be loved and understoodThis right is very important according to me. A child also needs the attention from his or her parents and environment to live a good life. Children in the third world countries are not able to enjoy this right, because there is no time and the curtain raising for it. Some of them do not even have parents to receive love from. I think a child is very sensitive and does not know what is happening in the world. If there is nobody for the child to protect him or her of all the cruelty in the world, he or she will lose the youth. A child will not be able to enjoy his time and will grow up two times faster than someone of his/her age in the west. That is not acceptable. Everyone should have the right to be loved and understood, especially those who live in the third world countries.7. Right to have free educationIn the developing countries a lot of children cannot go to school. I think this is the most important right for a child. This right guarantees you a future. It is not fair for those who cannot pay school fees. Education must be a numbe r one priority. Children are our future. How can we hope for a good future if the children cannot go to school. I am glad that the right of free education gives the children in the developing countries the right to grow up and to have a job. This way they can also be able to choose to perish someone they want to be.In countries like Pakistan, children have to work at a very offspring age to earn the money for their parents as an extra income. UNICEF has set up a project where the child has to go to school for iii hours after doing his/her job. I think this as a positive solution, because you cannot hinder a child who has to work hard to survive, unless someone with lot of money is supporting the child, which happens seldom. I gaze UNICEFs work, because even if they cannot stop children from working, they help the children to enjoy the right to go to school for a minimum of three hours a day.Future of UNICEFUNICEF has existed for over 50 years and achieved a lot. The goals they are planning to achieve in 10 years will be successful if they keep up the work like they are doing now. Even I would like to see a change in the life of those children who cannot enjoy their childhood. I dont think that I as an individual can help the millions in need, even though I want to. I just gave my opinion on every right a child deserves. If the authorities will work more actively to fight for the right of the children, the future can be changed in a positive way. I hope that there are many people who appreciate and support UNICEF. I know for sure that in the future I will donate money to this organization. I would also like to see that UNICEF will be there in the future as well. There is still a lot of work to be done to change the future of the children all somewhat the world.As I said earlier that children are human too. And every human being should know his/her own right in this world. I do not think that a childs life here in a western country has more value than to a child in a third world country. To prevent this thought, I am glad to see that there are rights to treat every child in the same way. Unfortunately, the reality is that a child in a third world country is be treated as an adult. He or she has to work from a very young age. This is a strong reason why I want to see UNICEFs work in the future.BibliographyLiteratureVerhellen, E., Verdrag inzake de rechten van het kind, Garant NV, 2000, p.252Prior, K., UNICEF, Harmelen, 2001, p. 321Raad voor het jeugdbeleid, Van gedrag tot verdrag, SWP, 1996, p.78Ling, L., Internationale regelgeving over de rechten van het kind, defense mechanism for children international, 1993, p.145Versmissen, M., Op de bres voor kinderrechten, Bakermat, 1993, p.58Websitewww.unicef.nlwww.unicef.comLogo www.unicef.org.uk

Monday, April 15, 2019

The Issue of Human Cloning Essay Example for Free

The sales outlet of Human Cloning EssayINTRODUCTION Human clone has been a favorite subject in science fiction stories, but has in recent years, it has become front page lates. Anytime that a new scientific debate is born, many details about the topic itself is muddled with many inaccuracies. The problem is do people understand enough of the science to predict whether copy willing be acceptable or not ethically and/or legally? Does it make sense to bring new people in the world whose origin is drastically different than the majority of people?This short review will concentrate on first on transmission lines for cloning humane beings establish on scientific arguments and second on arguments against human cloning from the book by Leon Kass The Ethics of Human Cloning. REPRODUCTIVE AND RESEARCH re-create Cloning is through with(p) in bad animals by somatic cell nuclear transfer. In the case of sheep like Dolly, the burden of a cell from a sheep is placed inside the cell of another sheep that has been emptied from its nucleus. However, contrary to the popular belief, the cloned sheep will not be 100% genetically identical to the donor sheep.The enucleated cell still has near desoxyribonucleic acid inside in organelles like the mitochondria that will be different than the donors DNA. The main arguments for cloning deal with the potential medical as well as scientific benefits that would be conferred upon humanity if adult military man could be cloned. The first reason is that cloning humans would bring forth medical breakthroughs for curing diseases like spatecer. The rationale is that cloning involved in the differentiation of a cell may be an advantage that could help in the comprehension of how a cell differentiates and divides.Cancerous cells argon multiplying without restraints since the cellular mechanisms for set cell division and cell growth are non-functional. Usually, unrestrained division and growth in typical cells do not continue because the cell has safety mechanisms that will induce death or apoptosis to stop this uncontrollable process. Other ideas about the benefit of cloning are cloning organs that could put back defective ones like heart, kidneys, and liver. This type of cloning is called research cloning contrasting with reproductive cloning.Another argument deals with infertility and reproduction. Many people erectnot entertain children. Reproductive cloning would not only give them a child, but an ideal child in terms of genomic inheritance, implying that a clone could have its genome altered ground on the parents disease history. This would guarantee a healthy child or some kind of twin to the parent. In essence, identical twins are clones of each other since their genome is identical. Cloning too happens all the time in reputation. So, why not in humans too whenever it is wanted?ARGUMENTS AGAINST CLONING Leon Kass in his book The Ethics of Human Cloning analyzes the reasons why human clonin g should never be used in our troupe. Dr. Kass expresses a fundamental distrust of human cloning based on the fact that human intervention is involved in the process. In effect, he draws a parallel between bleached insemination and cloning since both are in vitro processes in the beginning, being transferred to a host in vivo at the end. The problem with human hands is that good intentions pave the way to Hell as the saying goes.We can start as wanting the best child, better health, and more intelligence, but in any case, we are not very far from eugenics. Eugenics have a strong opposition because it relies on selecting people based on genetic traits that are changed in order to bring about a specific trace in an individual. Eugenics may be the start of a socially unacceptable bias or dissimilitude based on the fact that the majority of mankind is naturally not fit genetically to convert as persons almost physically and mentally consummate(a). In a world where only the most perfect humans would be chosen to survive, no room would be left for inferior people.A preceding(a) historical event connected with this idea is the Holocaust during which, people were gassed in order to get rid of their races or experimented upon in order to find out what physical perfection meant in order to alter the superior race. In addition, Dr. Kass deals with the traditional way of reproduction. Humans reproduce by sexual reproduction and have done so since the beginning of times. Since the announcement about cloning the first sheep, people have been overrule about it because they feel that developing the technique further opens the proverbial Pandoras Box. Will cloning fall our human dignity or our human record?Moreover, based on the assumption that cloning humans would be accepted, he asks what status a clone would hold in our society. Past historical experiences with slavery and racism have troubled society till today. In fact, the general human population alienate s who is different. It has been our nature people to ostracize others who are not judged normal. What would be the place of a clone in our society? What about a social status? What about legal perspectives concerning the rights and connections to their family? Dr. Kass also explains that science has more and more meddled with human reproduction, which he finds troublesome.He believes that there is an excess of consideration of what science in general can do to solve problems. In fact, by remedying one problem, it always creates new ones. In conclusion, cloning seems to take in multiple challenges to its establishment in society. The majority of humans feel that it is an attack on their human nature (reproduction and morality), which they hold sacred. The supporters of cloning are mainly concerned with what cloning can do for mankind in terms of acquiring scientific knowledge to cure diseases like cancer. Time will tell if cloning will bring doom or a better lot in life for humans.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

The Problem of Tōkōkyohi in Japanese Middle Schools Essay Example for Free

The Problem of Tkkyohi in lacquerese Middle Schools EssayIntroduction Tokokyohi ( ) has become an increasingly prominent sleep together in Japan since the 1980s. appointed figures showed that there were 84,026, or 1. 9% of Nipponese middle enlighten students paroxysm from tokokyohi in 1997 . However, tokokyohi, which is classified as form of instruct no(prenominal)-attendance, does not appear to be a caper that is singular to Japan. A similar form of school non-attendance affects less than 1% of the student population in Britain, which has the situation under control .In contrast, tokokyohi appears to be more problematic than the Nipponese government wishes to acknowledge. Official Nipponese figures appear to be artificially deflated as they do not account for tokokyohi bideers who view special schooling arrangements . Moreover, among the 5,193 middle school students surveyed in 1988, al roughly two-thirds of them felt jaded about school but compelled themselves to continue schooling . This suggests that tokokyohi is a deep-seated problem in Japan as most middle school students have to confront the emotions that result in tokokyohi for some of their peers.It is important to distinguish tokokyohi from early(a) forms of school non-attendance such(prenominal) as school absence due to truancy as well as medical and economic reasons. In contrast to students who shun school due to poor physical health or financial constraints, tokokyohi occurs when an irrational fear of schooling compels students to miss school for more than 29 age with their p atomic number 18nts cognisance . This get alongs tokokyohi apart from truancy, where students deliberately avoid school without their p arents knowledge to partake in frivolous activities with others . contrary truants, students suffering from tokokyohi remain confined to their homes and are not characterised by misconduct . This paper will condense on tokokyohi in Japanese middle schools (students aged 13 15 years old). There are numerous reasons for tokokyohi ranging from societal problems to individual psychological difficulties. We will focus on three forward-looking Japanese societal problems which lead to tokokyohi children who are excessively dependent on their parents, ruth society and educational fuck off.However, the remarkable structure of Japanese society must be taken into consideration in nightspot to pick up the severity of tokokyohi in Japan. Hence this paper will explore the link between these three modern Japanese societal problems and traditional Japanese determine and mind-sets. This link emphasizes the continued grandness of these traditional values and mind-sets in the modern Japanese society and how these values and mind-sets affect societal attitudes towards education, eventually lead to tokokyohi in middle schools. Over-Dependent ChildrenAbout 50% of mothers whose children are in Japanese middle schools are full-time homemakers . Mothers nationa l roles have become increasingly prominent after World War Two, motivating housewives to travel by in these roles . This motivation drives them to emulate the role model of ryosai kenbo. Ryosai kenbo portrays an themelised virtuous woman who can handle mansion chores and nurture children well . To guarantee future success, mothers attempt to provide their children with excellent up- carry and proctor their childrens conduct closely to ensure proper learning.The reduced size of the modern Japanese family in any case implies that mothers can employ more energy to monitoring their children, resulting in more intimate mother-child kinships . Such intimacy drives parents to shield their children from stroke . The shield results in children who are incapable of autonomous decision-making, eventually developing into an over-dependence on their parents . Over-protective parents as well as correct their childrens dependency on them when they accede to both legitimate and illegitimat e demands from their children.Some children exploit this by engaging in amae. Amae ( ) describes the actions of one and only if(a) who tries to influence another to care for him/her unknowingly . However, these parents do not dampen this behavior as indulging their childrens demands is seen as an expression of maternal love . This gradually emboldens the child as they know that their parents will yield to their demands, including tokokyohi. Having always been cared for meticulously, these children begin to display signs of tension and fear when out from their parents , especially in new and unfamiliar environments such as schools.These children experience difficulty existence away(predicate) from their parents for long hours when they attend school. Their tendency to maintain close physical proximity to their parents results in little face-to-face time and few opportunities to tenderise. Thus these children become socially inapt as they lack the requisite skills for interac ting amicably with their playmates . This social awkwardness heightens their feelings of tension and fear when separated from their parents in a school setting. As a result, these children are more likely to develop a fear of schooling.Moreover, the hectic curriculum in Japanese middle schools exerts more pressure on middle school students as compared to elementary school students. This is because Japanese middle school students have to undergo demanding high school entrance examinations . The additional stress whitethorn leave these children incapable of managing negative emotions due to routine separations from their parents . These children would eventually resort to tokokyohi in order to scarper this situation. Kyoiku Mama, (Educational Mother) In Japan, men are often assumed to be breadwinners while women are expected to roost home to tend to housework and childcare .Fathers, being the breadwinner, spend long hours on business recreation , which is vehemenceed by Japans bu siness industry . This forces them to be away from home frequently, prominent rise to fatherless families . Thus mothers assume a central role in the family , taking budge of the childrens welfare and education. However, the agonistical Japanese education system means that children find it harder to succeed. This gives mothers an added sense of righteousness in point their children towards educational success. This gives rise to kyoiku mamas ( ), loosely translated into education-mamas .Kyoiku mamas are known for their borderline neurotic behaviour of controlling every facet of their childrens lives so as to outdo their peers donnishianally . Kyoiku mamas strive to tear their children to elite schools with the highest rate of future admission into prestigious universities . Some kyoiku mamas whitethorn opt to work in order to afford cram schools (juku, ? ) for their children . They endeavour to provide the best home study environment for the children. This includes bringing their children refreshments when they study overnight to researching on subjects that their children struggle with to coach them .Modern kyoiku mamas may even seek professional help in guiding their children as they lack confidence in child-raising . Her ultimate compassment would be for her child to enrol into the prestigious Tokyo University as this would ensure a bright future for her child . The mothers desire for their child to succeed is mainly due to the gender roles in Japan and is supported by the change in power structure in the family. In the Japanese society, women are denied career development opportunities due to gender discrimination, preventing them from achieving any career aspirations that they might have had .Hence, a kyoiku mama thrusts all her ambitions upon her children to achieve what she could not . However this is only possible due to the change from a patriarchal to a matriarchic family. As the fathers are frequently absent, mothers gain a larger author ity in the family . They also suffer from loneliness and anxiety due to the lack of attention from their husbands . Thus mothers are then able to jell all their energy into nurturing their child as an outlet of their pent-up loneliness, anxiety, and an extension of their ambitions. As discussed above, kyoiku mamas closely monitor their childs life.However this tight control may be detrimental to the childs psychological well-being. In a stressful environment where every action must benefit their studies, these children may develop a fear of school and studying . Clinical psychologists have observed that most tokokyohi sufferers came from fatherless families . The determination of kyoiku mamas for their children to succeed may cause the children to reject the competitive Japanese education system, causing tokokyohi . pity Society In Japan, an individuals actions are governed by the need to avoid confound ononeself and the crowd that one belongs to. The Japanese society operates o n a system of shame, where shame arises when one suffers a loss of dignity and respect . This sets Japanese society apart from westward societies that operate on a system of guilt. Guilt deters Western individuals from acting inappropriately in an autonomous environment . In Japan, bankruptcy to meet a personal goal or expectation of others results in self-reproach and disapproval from others, leading to shame. Japanese citizens are compelled to conform to socially acceptable conducts and norms to avoid shame .Therefore being unique or individualistic is greatly frowned upon. The Japanese do not view conformity as an unfitness to assert autonomy . Conformity indicates that one possesses the will to sacrifice for the greater good of the group . This self-glorification also motivates them to conform. In the Japanese society, a shameful act by individuals implicates the entire unit they belong to, including the school and family . This stresses the children since failure puts their fa milies reputation and honour at stake. Poor results would reflect badly on the childrens academic ability.This would be attributed to parental failure in instilling appropriate work ethic. Fear of implicating their families through their academic incompetence might result in tokokyohi. Tokokyohi would conceal the childrens shortcomings since they avoid school activities and tests, hence preventing their families from being shamed. The demands of the society also force the individual to conform. Japanese are made to participate in activities that labour unity from young . They are inculcated with the whim that every individual should do their best to contribute economically. opus qualification is needed to secure electrostatic employment . This makes academic excellence a prerequisite for stable employment. Individuals who fail to achieve academic excellence will rely that they have failed to meet the lofty standards set by the society. This failure exacerbates the shame caused b y their academic incompetence. To avoid this shame, children who are unable or involuntary to excel academically could resort to tokokyohi. neighborly status, which is highly regarded by families in Japan, is boosted when the children enrol into a competitive school .Many families strive to send their children into such a school. However, the competitive school environment would testify the children with stressful social situations as they would be constantly judged by their peers and teachers . The children must always be at their best behaviour and will fret over the implications of their every word and action in order to be viewed positively. These children will be loth to attend school in order to avoid such situations, eventually developing school phobia, which contributes to tokokyohi. tralatitious Basis Shame.Shame as a means of social control can be traced to traditional values and mind-sets in Japan. These traditional values and mind-sets include the emphasis on group harmony and the notion that humans are fundamentally good. Shame is used to pay back conformity among the Japanese. The need for conformity can be linked to the group mentality that is prevalent in Japan. This group mentality refers to the individuals focus on their role within the group . They learn to appreciate the importance of others and their reliance on one another .This appreciation starts within the family and eventually expands to the school and work adjust . In order to ensure that the group functions effectively, Japanese society emphasises group harmony over individualism . The groups interests are prioritised over those of its constituent members, giving rise to conformism. This emphasis is also reflected in the idea of honne and tatemae, which refers to the individuals inner feelings and the appropriate social behaviour respectively . Honne is only expressed in camera while tatemae is applied to interactions with strangers, colleagues and superiors .This conscious e ffort to avoid publicly expressing innermost emotions that might discomfort or shame others can be seen as conforming to social norms. This also shows how group harmony takes anteriority over individualism. The emphasis on group harmony can also be seen in how shame lessens tension between the members of the Japanese society. The use of shame as social control makes the Japanese more empathetic to the shame felt by others . This empathy restrains individuals from displaying their greater abilities, thus reducing feelings of inferiority that might be felt by less able individuals in the group .Such a willingness to conceal their abilities also contributes to group harmony as less able individuals will not feel ostracised or frighten by their more capable counterparts. Such restraint can also be attributed to the idea that flaunting ones ability diminishes its worth . The influence of this idea on 15th century Kado art underscores its root in Japanese tradition. The use of shame as social control is also derived from the Japanese idea that human nature is fundamentally good. This idea can be traced to traditional Confucian teachings in Japan . Shame seeks to appeal to this good and encourage conformity .As humans are fundamentally good, the Japanese believe that there is no need to threaten humans with individual penalties. Instead, they seek to use shame to remind themselves to stay true to their good nature. Shame is thus used as a guiding light as opposed to guilt, which is used as a deterrent. In contrast, the traditional Western touch sensation that humans are fundamentally evil results in the use of guilt and the threat of penalties in Western societies to deter any potentially harmful acts . This accounts for different forms of social control between the West and Japan.Traditional Basis Kyoiku Mamas and Over-Protective Mothers Kyoiku mamas and over-protective mothers can be traced from the oppression of women in Meiji Japan. Meiji Japan was a patriarch al society where women could only strive to become ryosai kenbos . Japanese women were only allowed into noble families to bear and rear children . These women, who were struggling to find their place and status in families, would put all their energy into nurturing their children . Both kyoiku mamas and over-protective mothers are modern manifestations of this oppression of women.For kyoiku mamas, the ideology of good wife wise mother still weighs strongly on them. Women are expected to bewitch house choose chores and their childrens education even if they hold full-time jobs. A woman who allows others to care for her children would be looked down upon as not sufficing in her job as a mother . The Japanese believe that mothers should be blamed for bringing up unsuccessful children rather than the children shouldering the blame themselves for their lack of success . Mothers, who are burdened by such extreme responsibility, will push the children to and beyond their limits.To these mothers, only by successfully nurturing their children can they achieve the ideals of good wife wise mother. This gives rise to kyoiku mamas. Over-protective mothers strive to encourage their children to excel due to the mothers obligation to nurture them well, increasing interaction between mothers and children. This greater interaction would foster a closer mother-child relationship. The resultant strong maternal love might drive mothers to shield their children excessively from adversity. This shielding would cause children to become over-dependent on their mothers.Thus, the ryosai kenbo role model, which can be traced to the Meiji period, can result in over-protective mothers and over-dependent children. The distributive ideology of the roles and responsibilities of Japanese women, together with the need to achieve it, leads to kyoiku mamas and over-protective mothers, which in turn contribute to the situation of tokokyohi in Japan. Traditional Basis Amae Amae, which perpetuate s the relationship between over-dependent children and their mothers, can also be traced back to traditional Japanese mind-set.Traditionally, the nation of Japan has been viewed as a giant family unit with the emperor moth at the core . A common reverence for the Emperor unifies the numerous disparate Japanese families into a giant family unit . The Emperor enjoyed an exalted status despite his ceremonial position and reliance on officials to handle state personal business . Officials are expected to comply with the Emperors subtle demands in a dynamic relationship that embodies the concept of amae . Such reverence can be traced back to before the Tokugawa period 1603-1868 CE and continues even nowadays .This reverence drives Japanese families to emulate the relationship between the Emperor and his officials . With the child being important in the family as discussed earlier, the familys emulation of this relationship results in the child assuming a position in the family that is similar to that of the Emperor in Japan. This allows the child to engage in amae, which facilitates the childs over-dependence on the mother and contributes to paternal approval for demands such as tokokyohi. Thus amae can be seen to be rooted in the traditional Japanese reverence for the Emperor, and continues to be present in modern day families.Conclusion In our paper, we have shown that although Kyoiku Mamas, shame society and over-dependent children are some of the direct causes of Tokokyohi, the foundations of these factors can be traced to traditional Japanese values and mind-sets such as reverence for the Emperor, ryosai kenbo and Confucianism. These traditional values and mind-sets, which were prominent in the past, continue to hold great importance today. This is evident in how these traditional values and mind-sets continue to influence modern Japanese education.The continued importance of these values and mind-sets also show that tokokyohi is a complex problem that is ro oted in the foundations of Japanese society. The severity and complexity of Tokokyohi also means that the Japanese government must play a bigger role in tackling this issue. Future research could explore why the Japanese government appears reluctant to acknowledge the scale of this problem and assess the viability of solutions that focus on advising the families of these tokokyohi sufferers. ? Bibliography Allen, Eileen K. , Glynnis . E. Cowdery, and Jennifer M. Johnson.The Exceptional Child Inclusion in Early Childhood Education. Belmont Wadsworth, 2011. Allison, Anne. Producing Mothers. Chap. 6 In Re-Imaging Japanese Women, modify by Anne E. Imamura. 135-55. Berkeley Univ of California Pr, 1996. Aoyagi, Hiroshi. Pop Idols and gender Contestation. 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Friday, April 12, 2019

Current Climate Changes Essay Example for Free

Current humor Changes EssayThis paper entitled, Current mood Changes intends to reintroduce the definition of clime Change. Furthermore, it plans to state the homophile contributions to mood qualify. Moreover, it also aims to reiterate that cattle produce too much methane, which in turn plays a giving role in the current modality changes that occur. In addition, it also intends to state the effects of climate changes. depart but not least, it provides the solutions that whitethorn possibly address this serious dilemma. humour Change Defined Climate change is an alteration in our climate which, cardinal to ninety quintuplet percent of it, atomic number 18 brought nearly by the unethical, ill-mannered acts of human beings (Encarta encyclopedia n. p. ). The United Nation Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which is explicitly endorsed by the national science academies of the eight most industrialized nations, says that the scientific opinion on climate change is that the average global temperature has increased 0.6 0. 2? C since the late 19th cytosine and that most of the warming that has been observed over the last fifty years is caused by human activities (Encarta encyclopaedia n. p. ). These human activities allow the emission of greenhouse gases, for instance, carbon dioxide and methane (Encarta cyclopedia n. p. ). Temperatures or heat may go up by 1. 4 to 5. 8? C between 1990 and 2100 according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (Encarta Encyclopedia n. p. ).Rises in sea level, changes in pattern, as well as, alteration in the measuring rod of precipitation will go along with the said(prenominal) as well (Encarta Encyclopedia n. p. ). Then the aforementi unriv eitheredd occurrences are expected to yield the sideline as well a) extreme water events like floods and b) droughts, as well as, c) heat waves, and d) hurricanes (Encarta Encyclopedia n. p. ). In addition to that, it may also contribute to biological extinc tions and may affect agricultural yields (Encarta Encyclopedia n. p. ). Human Contributions to Climate ChangeSome experts accept as true(p) that the earth experienced climate change from two hundred ten million years to wholeness hundred forty million years ago or during the Jurassic Period with standard temperatures change magnitude by 9? F (Encarta Encyclopedia n. p. ). It is said that this caused the rate of rock weathering to increase by cd% which actually, resulted in carbon dioxide level dropping back to normal for the succeeding 150,000 years (Encarta Encyclopedia n. p. ). Moreover, a greenhouse gas, technically referred to as, methane clathrate has been taked to have caused climate change back then (Encarta Encyclopedia n.p. ). They pattern it was related to the Permian-Triassic extinction event and the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (Encarta Encyclopedia n. p. ). Furthermore, William Ruddiman, a paleoclimatologist states that the influence of human on the climate ch anges may have began along with the reading of agriculture eight hundred decades ago (Encarta Encyclopedia n. p. ). This hampered/prevented carbon dioxide and methane levels to drop as quickly as they would have done otherwise (Encarta Encyclopedia n.p. ). In addition, there is a decades-old difference of opinion about the consequences of existence on the climate change (Encarta Encyclopedia n. p. ). Most of scientific opinion on this issue is that modern warming is caused largely by humans, although this has not been settled (Encarta Encyclopedia n. p. ). The discussion usually focuses on the effect of emissions of carbon dioxide which is linked to human activities like that of burning fossil fuels and industrial activities (Encarta Encyclopedia n.p. ). Also, climate change theory supporters assert that 1) The recent rise in carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases is human-caused (Encarta Encyclopedia n. p. ). 2) The climate change of the last five decades is most likely cause d by human activity as well (Encarta Encyclopedia n. p. ). 3) Geophysical experiments by humankind may turn out bad and may bring about something humans cannot give away like climate change and its effects (Encarta Encyclopedia n. p. ). Methane Production by CattleAccording to researchers, affright are one of the top greenhouse gas producers (Hunter 657). Explaining further, cows produce too much methane, which is one of the leading causes of the climate change (Hunter 657). It is believed that cows contribute about 29% of the total volume of methane emitted by means of internal fermentation in the digestive process or via defecation (Hunter 657). Aside from this, cattle are also associated with the burning of the plants, which is also a source of greenhouse gas emission (Hunter 657).However, other experts believe that the problem of fossil fuels is that the released carbon dioxide that has been trapped is taken out of circulation and collected then burned all at once (Hunter 6 57). This means that the issue on cow flatulence is that the carbon dioxide is recently take up by the plant matter that the cow ate and that the carbon dioxide it released will again be sorb by new grass grown (Hunter 657). In addition, much of the carbon absorbed by the cow is condensed in to the meat and defecation thus, taking more carbon dioxide out of the environment (Hunter 657).Effects of Climate Changes The current controversy over whether climate change should be of concern must be intercommunicate immediately (Encarta Encyclopedia n. p. ). Controversies like 1) whether or not the climate is changing beyond natural variations 2) whether or not human/industrial activity is responsible for the change 3) how large future changes will be, etc.. should not be the focus of experts, as well as politicians, instead, they should look deeper into the consequences or effects of climate change and do something about it (Encarta Encyclopedia n.p. ). There are various predicted effec ts of climate change and these accept 1) sea level rise 2) temperature rise 3) acidification 4) shutdown of thermobaline circulation 5) extreme weather 6) destabilization of local climates 7) reduce ozone layer 8) methane release 9) forest fires 10) decline of agriculture 11) flood l2) migration 13) water scarcity 14) skin crabby person and other related diseases etc (Encarta Encyclopedia n. p. ). SolutionsThe worlds principal international agreement on combating climate change is technically referred to as the Kyoto protocol (Oberthur et. al. 2). There are other strategies though, and some include the following 1) Improving goose egg efficiency since more efficient cars, appliances, and industrial systems use less push button core less fuel is burned and less carbon dioxide is emitted (Springer 102). 2) Developing and using energy sources which emits little or no carbon dioxide, for instance, hydro power, solar power and windmills, as well as other renewable energy sources (S pringer 102).3) Improving forest and agricultural management practices like planting more trees since trees remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and decline of cattle since methane is produced by such agricultural activity (Springer 102). 4) Reduction of the impacts of climate change for instance through with(predicate) the following new varieties of crops can be developed to grow in changed climates building of aqueducts since they can transport water to regions affected by drought and building of dikes and sea walls to protect coastal settlements (Springer 102).5) Government rule, for instance forcing auto companies to design more efficient cars (Springer 102). 6) Encouraging people to save energy by promoting energy efficient devices (Springer 102). 7) Informing educating people in improving efficiency /reducing emissions (Springer 102). 8) Government disbursement for more, in terms of research and development for instance, in developing new technologies that use les s energy or emit no carbon dioxide (Springer 102).9) Greenhouse mitigation which may be carried out through elimination of the utilization of fossil fuels so that emission of greenhouse gases may be avoided eventually and reservation sure that carbon dioxide is absent in the atmosphere (Encarta Encyclopedia n. p. ). 10) Injection of carbon dioxide into depleted embrocate wells to force more oil out of the ground or seafloor so that it may be possible to store carbon dioxide released by a power plant, factory, or any large nonmoving source (Encarta Encyclopedia n. p. ). ConclusionClimate change is an alteration in our climate which, ninety to ninety five percent of it, are brought about by the unethical, ill-mannered acts of human beings (Encarta Encyclopedia n. p. ). Its effects include 1) sea level rise 2) temperature rise 3) acidification 4) shutdown of thermobaline circulation 5) extreme weather 6) destabilization of local climates 7) cut ozone layer 8) methane release 9) for est fires 10) decline of agriculture 11) flood l2) migration 13) water scarcity 14) skin genus Cancer and other related diseases etc (Encarta Encyclopedia n.p. ). On a final note, this problem may be address through the following 1) injection of carbon dioxide 2) greenhouse mitigation 3) informing and educating people 4) promoting energy-efficient devices 5) Improving forest and agricultural management practices 6) building of aqueducts 7) development of new varieties of crops 8) government spending on research and development etc. (Springer 102). References Encarta Encyclopedia. Climate Change. 2007. Microsoft. 03 October 2007 http//encarta. msn. com/encnet/refpages/search. aspx? q=climate+change Hunter, R. A. Methane Production by Cattle. British Journal of Nutrition. 98 (2007) 657. Oberthur, Sebastian Ott, Hermann E. The Kyoto Protocol International Climate Policy for the 21st Century. NY Springer, 1999.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Monopoly vs. oligopoly Essay Example for Free

Monopoly vs. oligopoly EssayMonopolies and Oligopolies argon both trade situations that are manifest in todays economical system. Many people are aware of what a monopoly is and the federal government has even taken steps to make monopolies in the United States illegal. However many are unaware of the many oligopolies operating in the US economic system today. Monopolies and Oligopolies are similar barely not the same, this paper lead explore their similarities and differences, and provide examples of both operating in todays economic system. A monopoly is where one cooperation or business controls the supply of a particular good or service.In monopolies these firms or cooperations not only try to control their respective industry only if go out of their expression to stop other(a)s from entering with heavy restrictions, low price costs, and strategic market placeing plans. The business dictionary defines oligopoly as a a couple of(prenominal) or single supplier effe ctively dogmatic the supply and therefore the price of a particular product or service creating a marketers market. These two situations as defined are similar in the fact that one or few corporations or businesses control the industry and its prices.The consumer is the target in both situations you see where its one or few the consumer is forced to pay the prices set by these controlling corporations. Monopolies and Oligopolies differ in a few ways. In a monopoly you have one cooperation that controls the price and supply of the said product or service, allowing for no competition. Or in other words allowing them to charge consumers whatever price that want and even the hazard to raise prices at any time for no reason thus in a way holding the consumer hostage.In oligopolies there is more than one major player and this allows for some competition in the industry. It to a fault gives consumers more than one option. If one company lowers the price a consumer may choose to elect rical switch companies. The most evident difference as stated above is that monopolies are illegal and mandated by the US government where oligopolies are a common market situation in the United States. A big(p) example of an oligopoly is the US Automobile industry.There are a variety of manufactures to choose from,however most Ameri raises will agree the major players are Ford, General Motors, Honda and Toyota. These major players in the industry control the actions of each other and their competitors. In 2005, GM offered customers employee pricing. This affected the whole industry, Ford, Toyota and other manufacturers were forced to do the same thing or offer something better in order to match the prices of GM to generate profits in the industry. This is a common marketing strategy for automobile manufacturers, the use these tactics to anticipate the next move of their competitors.It also can cause smaller manufacturing companies to go out of business as they can no prolonged co mpete with these large companies. Monopolies are a little harder to explain in todays economic system as they are illegal. However they do still exist, for example utility companies usually turn tail in specific areas where they do not have competition. Consumers are forced to use them do to the region, metropolis or district in which they live. They do not have choices and are required to pay whatever prices their utility company charges for the service.Another good example would be DirecTV, while there are other cable and satellite companies to choose from they offer a service no other company can NFL Package. They are the exclusive owner of this service and football fans have no other option that offers them both game anytime at their fingertips. Most notable in recent history was Microsoft, who was inevitably fined and regulated by the US government in 1998. While monopolies and oligopolies have their similarities and differences the consumer is the target of both and is a vic tim to these multimillion dollar sign corporations and industries.Monopolies even if illegal still exist and operate in todays economy. Oligopolies are in truth prevalent and still allow corporations and businesses to operate at will against the consumer as long as there is competition among the various players in the industry. Whether a monopoly or an oligopoly the consumer has little to no say in the market situation and one or few businesses are allowed to dictate prices and supply of their respective products and services.Works Cited Evans, K.(2013, 02 21). Monopoly Vs. Oligopoly. Retrieved from E How Money http//www. ehow. com/about_4795365_monopoly-vs-oligopoly. html Site contributor. (2013). Dictionary . Com. Retrieved 02 21, 2013, from Dictionary. com http//dictionary. reference. com/ Stein, T. (1999, November 6). Microsoft Ruled a Monopoly / Court finds firm abused its power. Retrieved from SanFransico narrative http//www. sfgate. com/news/article/Microsoft-Ruled-a-Monopo ly-Court-finds-firm-2899336. php.